Ben and Me Benjamin Franklin By His Good Mouse Amos

Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of
Benjamin Franklin
•By His Good Mouse Amos
•Discovered, Edited, & Illustrated by Robert
• Learn about Benjamin Franklin using the
cluster map and website. Write a
paragraph summary of your research.
Read your summary to a classmate.
• Complete a crossword puzzle using a
dictionary to learn new words. Choose 5 to
write in your sentence.
• You will use a reading journal to answer
the questions & make observations as you
Read the Forward and Chapter 1
• According to the foreword, who wrote this book?
• Describe this author.
• What is the setting of this story? (Setting = Time & Place)
Read Chapter 2
• Summarize how Amos helped Ben with an invention in
Chapters II and III.
• Why was this invention important to the people who lived in
this time?
• Summarize the steps taken by Ben and Amos to create the
• Based on what you read and your own
• Opinion, explain why Ben shared credit for the creation of
the stove with Amos. Do you think this is only Amos’s point
of view? Why or why not?
Read Chapter 3 and 4
• Summarize the terms of the bargain Ben made with
• Why was Ben determined to keep his old fur cap, even
when the Governor offered him an elegant replacement?
• What was Poor Richard’s Almanack?
Read Chapter 5
• Why did the people of the town get so
upset with Ben?
• Start the Wise and Witty Sayings activity
(copies on the table by the door,
complete throughout the book).
• Trying writing a few sayings of your own!
• How did Amos’s tampering with the
Poor Richards Almanack get Ben into
trouble? How did Ben calm the angry
Chapters 6 and 7
• Why did Amos change the wiring on
Ben’s electrical apparatus before the
demonstration? What was the result
of these changes?
Describe how Ben felt after his success
with the Lightning Rod experiment.
Read Chapter 8
• Summarize Ben’s experiment
with the kite in two to three
• Why did Ben leave for
• What did Ben do to Amos that
almost destroyed their
friendship? Do you think there
was any excuse for Ben’s
Read Chapter 9
• Who was Red? Describe some of
his radical activities and beliefs.
• According to Amos, how did the
Declaration of Independence
• Why do we celebrate the Fourth of
July? Use evidence from the book
Read Chapter 10
• Why was Amos impressed with George
• Why did Washington want Ben to travel to
Europe? Why did Amos encourage Ben to
select France as his destination?
Read Chapter 11
• How was Ben treated in France?
• What was the result of Ben’s mission to obtain
financial aid from France?
• Describe Sophia.
• What did Amos promise her?
Read Chapter 12 and 13
Why did Ben stay in France after the war ended?
Summarize Amos’ plan for rescuing Sophia’s children.
Complete the vocabulary activity for chapter 13.
Describe the Battle of Versailles. ( Where did the mice
hide? How would you rate the slum mice, the sewer
rats, and the peasant mice as soldiers? What did they
do in battle?)
• How did Sophia feel at the end of the battle? How do
you know? How did Ben feel? How did you know?
(Use evidence from the text).
Read Chapter 14
• Complete the analogies for chp. 14.
• How did Amos and Ben change after arriving
home? How do you know?
• How did Amos fulfill his promise to Sophia?
Read Chapter 15
• How did Amos and his family surprise Ben on his
• What was Amos trying to tell Ben by giving him a new
Activities to complete after reading
• Complete the activity “Bringing a Character to Life”
• Write an acrostic poem about Ben Franklin.
• Construct a diorama of one of the main events of the
book. Include a written description of the scene.
• Choose a scene from the book and rewrite it from Ben’s
point of view.
• Evaluate the book by doing a book review and
supporting your answers using the “Book Review
Checklist” handout.