Created by Julie Marnell

Created by Julie Marnell
The Beliefs, Traditions and
Customs of Islam
Created by Julie Marnell
What do the religions of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam have
in common?
•They are monotheistic
•Abraham is the father of
monotheism, his descendents
founded Islam
•They developed in roughly the same
geographic region
•They have a moral code
•They have sacred texts establishing
the principles of their religion
Created by Julie Marnell
The revelations to
Muhammad form the basis of
the Islamic Religion
1. These revelations are
written in the Qu’ran, the
most sacred
book for Muslims. It
contains the word of
God (Allah).
Created by Julie Marnell
There are five rules that Muslims must
follow to be faithful to their God. These
are called the Five Pillars of Islam.
1. Faith in one God (Allah)
2. Prayer 5 times a day
facing Mecca
3. Fasting during Ramadan
4. Giving to charity (alms)
5. Making a pilgrimmage to
Mecca once in a lifetime.
Created by Julie Marnell
was the founder
of Islam.
•Muslims are
worshipers of
Islam. Muslim
means one who
has submitted
to God.
worship in a
Created by Julie Marnell
Created by Julie Marnell
Muslims believe that Jesus, Abraham and Moses were prophets
even though they were Christian and Hebrew leaders. Prophets
are people whom God has spoken to. Muslims believe
that God spoke to Jesus, Abraham and Moses but that Muhammad
was the last person that God spoke to.
Language of
Islam: Arabic
Muslims do not
believe in
showing living
things in art:
they use
Created by Julie Marnell
Before Muhammad, the religion
of the Bedouin tribes was
Idol worship, which was a form
of polytheism. Clans would go
to the Kaa’ba in Mecca and
worship idols that had been left
Mecca was an important
religious center even before
Muhammad was born.
The Kaa’ba means cubed
shaped building in Arabic.
Muslims believe the
Kaa’ba was originally built
by Abraham.
It is believed that Abraham,
the father of the Hebrews, was
also the father of Ishmael of whom
Muslims are descended.
Created by Julie Marnell
Muhammad’s revelations were
rejected in Mecca and he fled to
Medina. He and his followers later
returned to Mecca and destroyed the
idols at the Kaa’ba. The Kaa’ba then
became the most holy site for
The three holiest cities for Muslims
are Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
Created by Julie Marnell
The Beliefs, Customs and Traditions of Islam
1. In what way does Abraham connect the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
2. What is the Qu’ran (also spelled Koran)?
3. What is the name of God in Arabic?
4. The Five Pillars of Islam are:
5. Who was the founder of Islam?
6. Where do Muslims worship?
Created by Julie Marnell
What is the Kaa’ba?
What religion was practiced before Islam?
What three cities are most important for Muslims?
Created by Julie Marnell