Welcome to ZERO DAY! Mrs. Foor Algebra 2 Course Description: In Algebra II we will be reinforcing the skills that you learned in Algebra I in addition to exploring many new mathematical concepts. 1st Quarter: Essential Algebra Skills, Graphing, Quadratics 2nd Quarter: Quadratic Functions & Systems, Exponents and Radical Expressions and Equations, Polynomial Functions 3rd Quarter: Rational Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Sequences and Series 4th Quarter: Data Analysis, SOL Review, and Advanced Algebra preparation Grading Design: A point system is used to determine your grade based upon home enjoyment, problem sets, quizzaroos and tests. At all times you will be expected to complete assessments on your own, upholding the DHS Integrity Policy. Practice is a very important step in the learning process; through its completion, you develop competence and confidence in your mathematical skills. Your practice will be graded on completion and accuracy through a variety of methods and can provide a small increase to your grade each quarter. Materials: The following supplies are required for Algebra 2. 2 inch 3-ring binder with graph paper and loose leaf paper Dividers for binder labeled: bell ringers, class notes, home enjoyment, quizzaroos/tests. Pencils, pencils, pencils Dry erase markers, colored pencils and a red pen for grading are also helpful Student planner TI 83 or TI 84 Plus calculator—needed everday. Make Up Work: The best way to handle make up work is by not being absent! If you are absent on a regular class day: Check EDMODO.com for the posted information. Attempt the assignment (you all have your books at home). Get any class notes or handouts when you return to school (they will be located in the orange files next to the front board). If you are having difficulty, then come in for help. Late work will not be accepted unless you have a legitimate absence. All missed class work, home enjoyment, and assessments will receive a zero unless they are made up in a timely manner. Academic Integrity: There will be absolutely no tolerance for cheating in any form. Cheating is giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any assignment. Examples for cheating are copying homework (plagiarize), using illegal notes on a test, giving information about a test to a student in another class, sharing calculators during a test or copying test answers. Any student found cheating will be referred to an administrator. It is important that students do their own work to maximize learning. Classroom Expectations: In order to create a positive learning environment where everyone can be successful there are some procedures that need to be followed: Respect: for the teacher, your peers and yourself. Be Prepared: that means come to class with your notebook, supplies, and home enjoyment each day. Be Punctual: you will be considered tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings. Be Diligent: always attempt every problem, show all your work and study hard. Be Honest: there is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience. Absolutely NO: cell phones or ipods in use during class. Behavior that interferes with the learning of others will not be tolerated. Teacher Support: If you are absent or need extra help outside of class, I am available during 5th period Titan Time in the Auditorium and at 8am on all 'B' days in room 411. My #1 goal is for you to be successful and love math! Student Home Enjoyment: Sign up for Edmodo tonight and set up text message or email notifications! Algebra 2 Blocks 3 & 4 - Group Code: uu79xv Algebra 2 Blocks 6 & 7 - Group Code: 9fg3u2 Activate online textbook at activate.classzone.com. Activation code: 2628985-30. Then set-up a student account and find your textbook. Parent Home Enjoyment: How you can help? Make sure home enjoyment is completed every night! Get supplies. Check your child’s Algebra 2 binder periodically. Encourage your child to come in for extra help on designated days. Stay In Touch/Email me at Angela.Foor@lcps.org * Please donate a bag of candy for the positive incentives in my class! * (You can drop it off in my classroom 411) Thank you so much for coming!