MATH 6 CURRICULUM GUIDE Overview and Scope & Sequence Loudoun County Public Schools 2013-2014 (Additional curriculum information and resources for teachers can be accessed through CMS) Math 6 Nine Weeks Overview 1st Quarter Unit 1: Ratios 6.1 Unit 2: Rational Numbers 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.7 Review and Assessment – 3 blocks 2nd Quarter Unit 3: Integers and Absolute Value 6.3 Unit 4: Inequalities 6.20 Unit 5: Coordinate Plane 6.11 Unit 6: Properties of Real Numbers 6.19 Unit 7: Evaluating Expressions & Applying Properties of Real Numbers 6.5 6.8 Unit 7: Sequences 6.17 21 blocks Review and Assessment – 6 blocks **option – start equations after sequences in second quarter 21 blocks 3rd Quarter Unit 8: Equations 6.18 Unit 9: Measurement 6.9 Unit 10: Geometry 6.12 6.13 6.10 c 6.10 a,b *Algebra Extension 8.11 – Practical problems on composite figures in relation to area. Unit 11: Volume and Surface Area 6.10 d 4th Quarter Unit 12: Probability and Statistics 6.15 6.14 6.16 Review and Assessment **Curriculum done by May 2** Post SOL topics: Operations with integers One step equations Factoring Simplifying algebraic fractions Scientific notation with negative exponents Review and Assessment – 3 blocks 21 blocks 22 blocks *Algebra Extensions includes topics that are covered in Math 8 and are natural extensions of the Math 6 curriculum. If time permits, please include these Algebra Extensions in your course curriculum. Scope & Sequence Quarter 1: 21 blocks total Number of blocks Standard Reporting Category Topic Unit 1 – Ratios Ratios 1 6.1 Number and Number Sense 6 6.2 Number and Number Sense 2 6.4 Number and Number Sense Multiple representations of multiplication and division of fractions. 4 6.6 Computation and Estimation Multi-step practical problems involving fraction operations 5 6.7 Computation and Estimation Multi-step practical problems involving decimal operations 3 Unit 2 – Rational Numbers Investigate, describe, identify, demonstrate equivalent, compare and order fractions, decimals and percents and ratios Review and Assessments Quarter 2: 21 blocks total Number of blocks Standard Reporting Category Topic Unit 3 – Integers and Absolute Value 2 6.3 Number and Number Sense Identify, represent, compare and represent integers and absolute value. Unit 4 – Inequalities 1 6.20 Patterns, Functions, and Graphing inequalities on a number line Algebra Unit 5 – Coordinate Plane 2 6.11 Geometry Identify coordinates and graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane Unit 6 – Properties of Real Numbers 2 6.19 Patterns, Functions, and Investigate and recognize algebraic properties Algebra Identity property of multiplication and addition Multiplicative property of zero Inverse property of Multiplication Unit 7 – Evaluating Expressions & Applying Properties of Real Numbers 4 6.5 Number and Number Sense Investigate and describe positive exponents and perfect squares. 4 6.8 Computation and Estimation Evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the order of operations – References to properties should be made explicit in evaluating expressions Unit 8 – Sequences 2 6.17 Patterns, Functions, and Identify and extend geometric and arithmetic sequences Algebra **Option: Start equations after sequences during the second quarter. 4 Review and Assessments Quarter 3: 21 blocks total Number of blocks Standard Reporting Category Topic Unit 9 – Equations 4 6.18 Patterns, Functions, and Solve one-step linear equations. Algebra Unit 10 – Measurement 3 6.9 Geometry and Measurement 1 6.12 Geometry and Measurement Determine congruence of segments, angles, and polygons. 3 6.13 Geometry and Measurement Describe and identify properties of quadrilaterals. 2 6.10 c Geometry and Measurement 5 6.10 a, b Geometry and Measurement Practical problems involving area and perimeter. Make explicit connections to multiplication and division of fractions. Define pi as ratio and solve practical problems involving circumference and area. 8.11 Geometry and Measurement Ballpark comparisons between metric and customary system. Include proportional reasoning. Unit 11 – Geometry Algebra Extension Practical problems on composite figures in relation to area Unit 12 – Volume and Surface Area 2 1 6.10 d Geometry and Measurement Describe and determine the volume and surface area of a rectangular prism. Review and Assessments Quarter 4: 22 blocks total Number of blocks Standard Reporting Category Topic Unit 13 – Probability and Statistics 3 6.15 3 6.14 3 6.16 Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions and Algebra Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions and Algebra Probability, Statistics, Patterns, Functions and Algebra Describe mean as a balance point and decide which measure of central tendency is appropriate for specific situations. Construct, draw conclusions, and predict circle graphs. Compare and contrast various data representations for the same data set. Compare and contrast dependent and independent events. Determine probabilities for dependent and independent events. Post SOL Topics 2 Operations with Integers Solving one-step equations Factoring rational numbers Simplifying algebraic fractions Scientific notation for numbers less than 1 Review and Assessments **The Math 6 curriculum should be taught by May 2nd to ensure sufficient time for preparation and practice for the SOL assessment. Additional information about the Standards of Learning can be found in the VDOE Curriculum Framework (click link below)