Leaf Cell Structure & Function Worksheet

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________ Block: ________
Cells in a Leaf: Chapter 23 Section 4
Reading Comprehension: Read through pages 595 to 596 in your textbook and answer the
following questions in the space provided.
1. Describe how the structure of a leaf is optimized for light absorption.
2. What factors regulates the opening and the closing of stomata?
3. Are stomata more likely to be open or closed on a hot day? Explain your answer.
4. The leaves of desert plants often have two or more layers of palisade mesophyll, rather then the
single layer that is characteristic of most leaves. How might this modified structure be
advantageous to a desert plant?
Leaf Cross Section Diagram:
Leaf Structures and their Functions: Define the function of each of the leaf structures found below.
Cuticle: __________________________________________________________________________
Epidermis: _______________________________________________________________________
Palisade Mesophyll: ________________________________________________________________
Spongy Mesophyll: _________________________________________________________________
Xylem: __________________________________________________________________________
Phloem: _________________________________________________________________________
Vein: ____________________________________________________________________________
Stoma: __________________________________________________________________________
Guard Cells: ______________________________________________________________________
Bundle Sheath: ____________________________________________________________________
Labeling Leaf Structures: Label each structure on the diagram found below