Interactive Notebook Guidelines: What is the purpose of the interactive notebooks?

Interactive Notebook Guidelines:
What is the purpose of the interactive notebooks?
Our interactive notebooks will give you a place to learn history and illustrate your comprehension
in creative ways. Our interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other
activities where you will be asked to express your own ideas and to process the information
learned in class.
What materials am I required to bring each day?
1. Your interactive notebook
2. Pencil
3. Colored pencils
How will my notebook be organized?
The Left Side
The left side of your notebook will be used for a variety of activities, including homework. This side
will be the place where all your creative and artistic talents and interpretations will come out.
Right side activities will ask you to demonstrate your understanding of new ideas and concepts.
The Right Side
The right side of your notebook is for history notes or other historical information that you learn
directly from the teacher, the textbook, or other learning resources.
How will my notebook be graded?
Notebook assignments will be graded at the end of each grading period. Points will be earned for
completed work. All class notes and notebook assignments should be included even for the days
when you were absent. An important part of your notebook is its VISUAL appearance. Your
notebook is a reflection of you and your learning. It needs to be neat and well organized. Your
artistic, creative touch should be visible throughout the notebook. Keep in mind that your
notebook will be a significant part of your history grade each quarter. Put effort into it and you will
be rewarded!
What happens if I am absent?
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain assignments from the class website or the
I have read and understand the Interactive Student Notebook Guidelines for U.S. History.
Student Signature
Parent Signature