American Revolution Study Guide French and Indian War:

Name _______________________
American Revolution Study Guide
French and Indian War:
Who was fighting?
Who won?
What happened as a result of the war?
Causes of the Revolutionary War:
Be able to identify the events that caused unrest in the colonies. What happened? How did
this contribute to rising tensions between the British and the colonists?
Proclamation of 1763
Quartering Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Act
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
Important Events of the War: Be able to identify each event (what happened, why
was this event important)
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris, 1783
Declaration of Independence:
What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
Be able to explain the 4 key philosophies of the Declaration of Independence.
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
People: Be able to identify each of the following key individuals. Make sure you know
who they are and what their role was in the Revolutionary War.
George Washington
Patrick Henry
Lord Cornwallis
King George III
Benjamin Franklin
John Hancock
Samuel Adams
Paul Revere
Thomas Jefferson
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Identify the strengths and weakness of each army.
American Troops
British Troops