Think about it… Listen to the song—underline lyrics that you think describe a region of North America! What is Woody Guthrie’s message about America? What does America mean to him? Agenda: 1. Go over chart 2. Travel brochure 3. Map Game! Region Coastal Plain Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Region Coastal Range Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Region Basin and Range Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Region Interior Lowlands Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Region Great Plains Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Region Canadian Shield Description of the land: Major industries/Economic activities: Travel Brochure: You have recently taken a job as a travel agent at a brand new travel agency. Your first responsibility is to create a travel brochure inviting people to visit one of the regions of North America. You are nervous about impressing your boss, so work hard and do a great job! How to set up your brochure: Cover Page: Include a title, the name of your region, and a hand drawn picture of a scene from your region Inside: Why should people visit? What will they see? Convince people to come to your region! Be sure to include: – Physical features of the region – A map of the region – The names of 2 states in the region – 1 major industry of economic activity in the region – At least 2 pictures showing what they might see in the region! Back: Fact page—List 3-5 important facts about your region! CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 Content All requirements for all 99-90% of the three pages are met requirements are met 89-80% of the requirements are met Fewer than 80% of the requirements are met. Accuracy All facts in the 99-90% of the facts in brochure are accurate. the brochure are accurate. 89-80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Attractiveness & Organization The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and wellorganized information. The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information. The brochure has well- The brochure's organized information. formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 3 spelling Several spelling errors errors remain after one in the brochure. person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. Geography Calendar: Map Game!!