Geographic Regions Detective name of the geographic region.

Geographic Regions Detective
Directions: You’re the detective! Read the clues and guess the
name of the geographic region.
1. My land contains many tall, jagged mountains. The tallest point of the range is called the
Continental Divide—all rivers and streams change direction, flowing east or west down the mountains.
I am the _____________________.
2. My land has small rolling hills and is lower in elevation than many other regions. I have many big
rivers such as the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio. I am the _____________________.
3. I am a very big region. My land was carved by glaciers and has thousands of lakes and streams.
My land goes around a very large body of water called the Hudson Bay. I am the
4. I am a very hot, dry region. My land has many strange rock formations and contains Death Valley,
the lowest point in North America. I am the _____________________.
5. I have mostly sandy beaches and broad flat areas. To my west are old eroded mountains. To my
east is a large ocean. I am the _____________________.
6. My region has mountains that are very old and have been eroded away. The tops are now rounded
covered in thick forests. I extend from Canada to Alabama. I am the _____________________.
7. My region is mostly flat grasslands with few trees. If you travel west, the land slops upward as you
reach a tall mountain range. I am the _____________________.
8. The Pacific Ocean crashes into tall mountains along the shore of my region. Between the
mountains are fertile valleys where many fruits and vegetables grow. I am the