Algebra I

Algebra I
Ms. Bird
Block 5
Room 112
Course Description:
Within this course, you will learn to reason symbolically. The essential content involved
in this course includes writing, solving, and graphing linear and quadratic equations,
including systems of two linear equations in two unknowns. Quadratic equations are
solved by factoring, completing the square, or by application of the quadratic formula.
The course also includes study of monomial and polynomial expressions, inequalities,
exponents, rational expressions, direct and inverse variations, and statistics. Algebraic
skills are applied in a wide variety of problem-solving situations. Students will earn one
verified credit upon passing both the class and the end of course Standard of Learning
Test (SOL).
 All students will be respectful or each other and the teacher.
 All assignments must be completed on time.
 Make-up work must be completed in a timely manner.
 Bring all materials to class and be ready to start class when the bell rings
 Students are expected to follow the school honor code.
Honor Code:
All students are responsible for upholding the Honor Code. The Honor Code is a system
of conduct that reflects the core principles and values that have been established
regarding individual responsibility and matters involving honorable conduct. Please see
the Student Handbook for more specific information. Students are expected to read the
provisions of the Honor Code and abide by them.
1) Ring Binder
2) Pencils
3) Graphing Calculator (Optional)
Homework Skills Check: Homework Skills Check’s will be given following the daily
homework review and are designed to assess students understanding and knowledge of
content delivered within the previous class session. Homework Skill Checks will count
toward 10% of student’s overall course grade.
Quizzes and Tests: The primary purpose of quizzes and tests are to evaluate student’s
knowledge and understanding of content taught within each unit. Students will be
provided the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of content area through the completion
of a minimum of one assessment per unit. Students can expect a quiz roughly once per
unit. Tests will be administered at the end of each unit. In addition to unit tests,
cumulative quarterly assessments will be administered at the conclusion of each
academic quarter. This assessment will be used to evaluate the student’s retention and
knowledge of content material delivered throughout the course. Cumulative quarterly
assessments will be worth the equivalent of a unit test grade. Quizzes will be worth 30%
and tests and cumulative quarterly assessments combined will be worth 60% of a
student’s overall grade in the course.
Retake Policy
Students are able to retake both unit quizzes and tests for full credit. If a retake is given,
the better of the two grades will be put into the grade book. If a student would like to
retake an assessment, it must be clearly communicated with the teacher and completed in
a timely manner.
Homework will be assigned most nights and is designed to give the students practice of
what was previously learned. There is a direct relationship in math between homework
completion and good grades. Homework will be checked daily for completion and
reviewed prior to Homework Skills Check.
Make Up/Late Work:
Regular attendance is extremely important in any math class because new material is
based on previously learned concepts. I encourage students to contact me on the day they
return from an absence to obtain the notes and work that was missed. My desk is located
in room 104 and I am available before and after school. My planning periods are during
both 3nd and 7th block. Missing quizzes or tests can be made up in Basic Skills, during
Flex, or before and after school. Students will not be permitted to FLEX to another class
if anything is owed or need to be retaken.
Extra Help:
Students may come in for extra help before or after school. I am available daily, for
additional help, at 8:30 am. At any time students may ask for a Flex Pass to get extra help
as well. The Algebra I team will be offering additional assistance on Thursday mornings
from 8:00-8:45am. The schedule will be posted in the math hallway of the location of the
morning math sessions. Homework Club is also a valuable asset that students are able to
utilize throughout the school year; it will begin the second week of school, in the library
from 4-5pm. During this time, teachers and student tutors will be available to offer
I believe that communication with parents or guardians is vital to a student’s success.
Please provide a number and a good time to call at the bottom of this paper. The phone
number at the school is 571-434-3200. E-mail is always a good way of reaching me. My
e-mail address is Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any
questions or concerns.