7 Grade Technology Education Mr. Hendricks Mercer Middle School

7th Grade Technology Education
Mr. Hendricks
Mercer Middle School
*Parents, please read the following with your student and sign on the back.*
Through the use of our module based lab, this exploratory course allows students the opportunity to
explore technology and to develop resources that enhance problem-solving skills. Students will have
the opportunity to work in groups to complete modules, enhancing their communication and problem
solving abilities. These modules, coupled with hands on activities and projects, will give the students
ample time to demonstrate proficiency in each module.
Each module will take approximately seven school days to complete. Each module consists of seven
sections, and each module has a pre-test (not graded), four RCA’s, a review, and a post test. Along
with these sections, students will have to complete vocabulary for each module, along with a career
investigation activity.
Between each module, the class will get to work on some hands on projects. These projects may or
may not be directly related to the modules. Giving students the opportunity to work on these hands on
projects enhances their communication and problem solving abilities.
Student Outcomes:
 Explain the importance of technology in the development of society.
 Describe technological inventions that have affected society.
 Explain how inventions and innovations relate to the development of new products, processes
and systems.
 Explain the use of patents and copyrights.
 Demonstrate ethical practices when using software and electronic media.
 Explain the design process.
 Explain the characteristics of the design process.
 Explain that requirements for a design are made up of criteria and constraints.
 Develop designs for presenting to the class.
 Participate as part of an organized team.
 Maintain information in a journal / portfolio.
 Produce a presentation.
 Demonstrate safe use of tools and equipment.
 Use measuring tools.
 Evaluate a product in relation to the goal of design and potential improvement.
 Design an improvement for an existing product.
 Produce a model or prototype of an innovative design.
 Research technological systems and their related inventions.
 Gather information about a potential invention or innovation.
 Illustrate best ideas for developing an invention or an innovation.
Class Rules:
1. All school rules apply. This includes, but is not limited to:
a. No food or drink.
b. No horseplay.
2. Conversation while the instructor is speaking will not be tolerated. Please be respectful of the
instructor and of your peers.
3. Students will be in their seats ready to work when the bell rings signaling class to start.
4. At no time is any student allowed in any storage closet or other classroom without prior
permission from the instructor.
5. Treat all computers and machines as if they were your own, because they will be if you abuse
or break them. Students will be given all necessary materials required to complete tasks. It is
required that all equipment be returned in the same condition in which it was issued. Students
will be issued obligation sheets at the end of the year for any equipment not returned in
satisfactory condition.
6. Ask questions. If you are lost, please do not hesitate to ask the instructor for help.
Re-Take Policy:
Please refer to the re-take policy on my school website.
Parents, please sign below indicating that you have reviewed this document with your student and that
you both agree to the above stated information. If you have any questions, or need to speak with me,
please do not hesitate to contact me at Jason.Hendricks@lcps.org.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign and return this form to Mr. Hendricks
Parent Name (printed):
Parent Signature:
Contact Info (Email or phone):
Student Name (printed):
Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________
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