Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________ Block: ________

Name: _________________________
Date: ____________________
Block: ________
Physics Math Review
1) x  3  6
3) A    r 2 , Solve for r
4) F 
mv 2
, Solve for r
5) x2 + 6x + 9 = 0
6) 3x2 - 45x + 15 = 0
7) An equilateral triangle has side of 5. Find its area.
8) There is a square inscribed in a circle. If the side of the square is 2, find the ratio
of the area of the square to the circle. (Hint: You will need to find the area of the
square and the circle!)
9) An equilateral trapezoid has an upper base of 5 and a lower base of 11. This
trapezoid also has height of 4. Please find out how are the legs of the trapezoid.
(Note: this is an equilateral trapezoid)
10) There are two similar triangles. One has hypotenuse of 5 and legs of 3 and 4.
The other one has hypotenuse of 10 and one leg of 8 that is corresponding to the
leg of 4 of the first triangle. What is the other leg?
11) Find “a” in the following triangles:
12) The string of a kite is 120 m long and makes an angle of 70° with the horizontal.
What is the height of the kite? How far is it from you horizontally?
13) The base of the right-angled triangle shown is 5 cm in length, and the angle A is
60°. Calculate the altitude BC.
Dimensional Analysis
14) How many seconds are in a year?
15) In a crazed neighborhood they are replacing the speed limit signs that give the
speed in m/s. What would the new sign say if it were to replace a 25 mph sign?
16) In 2000, the fastest racing snail completed a 13-inch course in 140 seconds. If
“Archie” were able to continue indefinitely at this pace, how many miles could he
travel in one year?
17) If you earned one penny every 10 seconds of your life then how many dollars
would you have after 65 years?
18) An peregrine falcon can travel at 537,600 furlong/fortnight. A race car travels at
212 ft/s. A spider can jump with a maximum velocity of 9,000,000 cm/hr. Which
travels the fastest? Show numbers to support your answer.
Scientific Notation
Write the following values using scientific notation:
19) 7,183 = __________________________
20) 230,100 = __________________________
21) 0.0204 =__________________________
Convert the following values from scientific notation:
22) 7.45 x 10^-4 = __________________________
23) 2.0023 x 10^1 = __________________________