APA format for Parenthetical Citations and Literature Cited entries

APA format for Parenthetical Citations and Literature Cited entries
Go to:
select APA ; select type of reference material:
Fill in fields (only use sites with author or organization)
If you cannot find a date for the web based source and/or an author do not use.
Copy and paste into a word document titled Literature Cited.
Use in text citations (author, year) for any information that is specific to a particular source:
The sea otter was listed on the endangered species list in 1986 (Whitlow, 2010).
There are only 500 sea otter left in the wild (Smith, 2007).
Professor Jones found that most sea otters die due to starvation (Jones, 2009).
There are 6 groups of sea otters still found in the San Francisco Bay (Allen, 2005).
Any other specific information….information that is not found in all sources.
Use your best judgement for citing- when in doubt cite!
It is better to overcite than not cite!
(note: the facts used in the examples are not accurate)
Example of compound citation:
Sea Otters grow to 5 feet in length (Smith & Jones, 2001) and can live up to 40 years (Williams, 2000).
For examples and information concerning the proper format of APA citations in
text with more than one author, etc: