Community Involvement Project 2015-2016 SOL CE3e Each Civics/Economics student will choose one community involvement project. This activity corresponds to SOL CE.3e: The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens by evaluating how civic and social duties address community needs and serve the public. This assignment provides students with opportunities to give aid outside the family unit. We are allowing students to contract for their Community Involvement grade. You will have most of the year to complete the project, so there will only be one due date per A/B days. Attached you will find some suggestions as to what you can do for the project. You may pick another project if you wish; however, if you pick one that is not on the approved list below, the project proposal form will have to be completed, submitted, and approved by your teacher. To complete the form you must write a summary that includes: the organization you are involved in, the purpose for the organization, and what you plan on doing for community involvement. Once the plan is submitted, it will be approved or denied and returned to you. The approved Proposal form must be attached to the work log upon completion and submission of the project. The deadline for proposal forms is Tuesday, April 12th. No proposal forms will be accepted after this date. Community Involvement is meant to help and enrich the community and is in addition to those activities that we all perform as viable family members. The project should be designed to take time out of school. You, your parent, and sponsor or mentor must sign the work log. The due date is April 18th or April 19th, 2016. Grading This will be a 100 point summative assessment which will count towards the 4th quarter. Grading will be as follows: 10+ hours = 100 points 9-10 hours = 90-100 points 8-9 hours = 80-90 points 7-8 hours = 70-80 points 6-7 hours = 60-70 points 5-6 hours = 50-60 points Less than 5 hours= 50 points You may choose one of the following community involvement ideas or discuss a different project possibility with the teacher. You, your parent, and sponsor or mentor must sign the work log. The due date for this project is April 18st and 19th. Options 1-11 can be used for an unlimited number of hours. 1. Work with a faculty or staff member. Contact a teacher who is willing to work with you. They must sign your log. 2. Bake desserts for the Homeless and Transitional Shelters and Programs in Leesburg. Shopping, preparation, and delivery time count on the work log. Community Involvement Project 2015-2016 3. Arrange to volunteer at an eldercare facility. The recreation director should be your contact person. 4. Arrange to serve meals at any Ronald McDonald House. 5. Attend public government meetings such as the Board of Supervisors, School Board, or Zoning Board. 6. Work as a volunteer at an elementary school carnival or festival. 7. Volunteer at a branch of the public library. 8. Work with Interfaith Hospitality Network. 9. Arrange to tutor at any homeless shelter. 10. Volunteer for a political campaign. 11. Work on a Boy/Girl Scout service project. You may only do 1 of the following tasks (12-18) for 2 hours towards your total hours goal. 12. Collect at least 10 pairs of used eyeglasses to deliver to the Lions Club. Turn in to your Civics teacher. 13. Collect a ONE-GALLON zip lock bag of pop-tops for the Ronald McDonald House. Turn in to your Civics teacher. 14. Collect at least 25 well cared for children’s books and transport them to a donation center; such as, Interfaith Hospitality Network. 15. Collect 10 inkjet cartridges and/or disabled cell phones and bring them to ERMS. These may be given to your teacher. 16. Collect 100 Box Tops. Neatly attach the box tops to the point collection Sheets which are available online. 17. Collect 76 Campbell’s brand UPC labels, neatly cut out and attached to Point Collection Sheets which are available online. 18. Put together classroom packets for teachers. We encourage you to work for the funds that you will need to purchase these items. The hours spent working will also count. Packets need to include: 1. Two packages of construction paper 2. 5 glue sticks or 2 glue bottles 3. 2 Clorox wipes containers 4. 2 scissors 5. 2 boxes of tissues 6. 1 package of highlighters **PROPOSAL FORM- If you choose to complete a public service project that is not on this list, you will need to complete a proposal form and have it approved by your teacher prior to Tuesday, April 12th. Proposal forms are located on the teacher’s website. Dear Parent, We appreciate your cooperation in this work and hope that it is a dimensional growth experience. Please sign below to acknowledge receipt of this notice. Parent Signature__________________________________________________________