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Freak the Mighty Summative Study Guide
What are the three ways we can characterize?
1. Based on words—the direct quotations the character says
2. Based on actions—the character’s physical actions
3. Based on others’ reactions—OTHER characters’ “direct quotations” or actions
Remember, when finding words and actions (numbers 1 and 2 above) you must find examples
from the character you are describing.
What’s an inference?
An inference is an educated guess based on facts you already know. It is not a wild guess! You
use your background knowledge and clues from the text to help you draw a conclusion about a
For example: If you smell pizza in the school hallway in the morning, you may infer that the
cooks are making pizza for lunch. Without even looking at the menu or going to the cafeteria,
you can infer from the clue—the smell—that pizza is on the menu.