French 1 - Syllabus 2013-2014 Teacher: Marie Van Wynsberge E-mail: Classroom: A10 (8th grade house) Course Description: Students begin to develop proficiency in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - with emphasis on the ability to communicate orally and in writing. They learn to communicate in real-life situations using simple sentences and language structures and will be expected to use them daily. Students will also be introduced to cultural notions within the francophone world. Students’ Responsibilities: Come to class prepared and on time Come to class with a positive attitude and willingness to learn Be respectful, polite and honest Keep all electronic devices in your locker Grading: Here are the different grade categories: Written Communication Spoken Communication Vocabulary Development Reading/Listening Comprehension This is a High School credit course and all students will be required to take a midterm and a final exam. The midterm and final exams consist of speaking, listening and writing sections, and a multiple-choice test. In addition, the students will take various speaking and writing CPA tests throughout the year. Note that grades will be updated regularly on CLARITY. Supplies: 2 composition notebooks (wide ruled) 1 binder (1 inch) Loose leaf binder paper 3 dividers (optional) 1 four-color pen (Bic) or 4 different colored pens (red, green, blue, black) 1 pencil Textbook: Textbook: Bon Voyage! Level 1 Workbook: Bon Voyage! Level 1 Recommended Resources: A French-English/English-French Dictionary Access to this online dictionary: www. For help with conjugating verbs: Note: All assignments should be your own work. Online translators should NOT be used: they can be a terrible source and do not help you learn French! Pacing Guide: QUARTER First quarter Second quarter Third quarter THEMES Contemporary Life Calendar, Numbers Alphabet Classroom Expressions Personal and Public Identities Physical Descriptions Personality, Characteristics Feelings and Emotions Contemporary Life Schools, Classes Schedules, Supplies Leisure and Sports Social Life Interests, Social Activities Family and Communities Greetings, Introductions Family Environmental Issues Seasons, Weather Contemporary Life Housing and Shelter Leisure: Meals and Food Dining Out Shopping SKILLS Salutations Alphabet and spelling and diacritical marks Cognates Numbers and simple mathematics (+, -) Calendar/months/dates/days of the week Tu vs. vous (formal/informal) Colors Classroom expressions and commands Être and subject pronouns Avoir (to express age, hair and eye color) Descriptive adjectives and accord Definite and indefinite articles Negation Question words (qui, où, comment…) Countries/nationalities School subjects, supplies, classroom objects Time expressions (24 hour clock) Continue school supplies Shopping for school supplies Vocabulary for expressing likes and dislikes Vocabulary for places in and out of town Verbes en –er Adverbs of frequency Family members vocabulary Expressing birthday (birthday) Possessive adjectives/possession using de Weather and seasons Faire Avoir froid/chaud Prepositions en and au for use with seasons Regions of France, bordering countries, geography Il y a…/Il n’y a pas de… Adjective placement and agreement (irregular) Vocabulary for the house – rooms/furniture Prepositions of place Personal possessions Beverages, food items, meals Je voudrais… Table settings Aller Aller + infinitive Prendre Preposition and article contractions (à + le = au) Leisure: Meals and Food Shopping Travel Cities, Activities Transportation Beauty and Aesthetics Cities, Activities Transportation Fourth quarter Food shops (specialty, markets, supermarket) Partitive (affirmative and negative) Pouvoir, vouloir Modes of transportation Continue contractions Clothing stores and items (size and fit) Review colors Mettre, porter DECLARATION OF UNDERSTANDING Mme Van Wynsberge – French I 2013-2014 Student & Parent Signature Page I have read and understood the syllabus for the French 1 course at Smart’s Mill Middle School. Please Print Student’s Name ____________________________________________________ First Middle Last Student’s signature ____________________________________________________ Please Print Parent/Guardian Name ____________________________________________________ First Middle Last Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________ Parent/guardian phone ________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian email __________________________________________________________ Please use the space below to provide any additional information that you would like me to know about your child. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________