English 11 Academic Mrs. Connors & Mrs. Belkin 2014-2015 Syllabus OVERVIEW Welcome to English 11 Academic! This year we will be studying American Literature as we work to strengthen our reading, analytical, and communicative skills. We will examine various genres throughout the year; in doing this, we will improve in the following areas: Oral and written communication Reading, comprehending and analyzing Grammar and basic writing mechanics Researching and note taking In order to prepare students for the SATs and SOLs, every lesson of every unit meets both the Loudoun County learning standards as well as the Virginia Standards of Learning. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR EVERY CLASS Independent Reading Book 2-3 in. binder used exclusively for English class with 6 dividers (Short Story Unit, The Crucible Unit, Rhetoric Unit, The Catcher in the Rye Unit, Daily Edit Unit, Miscellaneous) Filler paper for binder Pens/pencils Marble composition notebook Student Agenda/Calendar (provided by FHS) UNITS and MAJOR TEXTS Quarter One: “What is the American Dream?” A variety of short stories by American authors Quarter Two: “What Motivates Human Behavior?” The Crucible by Arthur Miller Quarter Three: “What is the American Dream?” A variety of persuasive speeches Quarter Four: “What Motivates Human Behavior?” The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger CLASS EXPECTATIONS 1.) Students will succeed. Failure will not be an option. Students will set goals for themselves and take ownership of their own successes. As teachers, we will facilitate student learning, and we will provide students with resources and opportunities master concepts and skills. 2.) Students will respect themselves. Students will not devalue themselves or their education by cheating, plagiarizing, or simply by giving up on their work. 3.) Students will respect one another. When in our classroom, students will treat all other students and teachers respect. 4.) Students will come to class prepared. Students will come to every class with all required materials as well as with any work that has been assigned to them. 5.) Students will participate. Simply showing up to class isn’t enough. We expect that all students will arrive to class motivated to learn by engaging in classroom activities and discussions. 6.) Students will come to class on time. This doesn’t mean running through the door as the bell rings! This means students will be in their seats and working on the class warm up when the bell rings. After three unexcused late arrivals, the student will be issued a referral, and their school counselor and parent or guardian will be contacted. GRADING POLICY Summative assessments will be the only weighted assignments. Multiple formative assessments will be administered prior to any summative assessment in an attempt to gauge student understanding of taught concepts and skills. To be clear, formative assessments don’t result in a grade, but they still “count” and, therefore, must be completed as they are the process by which students display mastery and therefore prepare for a summative assessment. Re-takes and revisions are given at the teacher’s discretion. ACADEMIC INTERGRITY POLICY All summative work will include the FHS Honor Code to be written and signed by the student. By signing this Honor Code, the student is agreeing to follow the following definition of Academic Integrity: Requesting or providing only authorized assistance on any assignment. Completing assignments independently with the understanding that completing formative work helps students succeed on summative assessments. Protecting the integrity of work by not allowing other students to copy assignments. Preparing for summative assessments and only using authorized study aids during tests. Upholding the validity of assessments by not sharing information about quizzes or tests with peers who will be taking the assignment at a later date. Giving proper credit to the ideas, opinions, or work of others incorporated into the student’s work. Consequences of Academic Dishonesty: Student and teacher discussion regarding the incident. Teacher will contact parent or guardian. Referral to administration for possible further action. Academic penalty may be imposed. LATE POLICY The English Department will not have a formal late work policy. Students are expected to turn in assignments on time in order to progress towards the learning objectives as scheduled by the teacher. All assignments have a purpose, and promptness is integral to maximize learning and ensure that students monitor adequate timemanagement. If a student has work that is not turned in by the deadline, they MUST communicate with their teacher, outside of class time, about an alternative assignment or an extended deadline with the knowledge that no work will be accepted within the last week of each quarter. CELL PHONE POLICY The use of cell phones is permitted in class only if specifically stated by the teacher. Cell phones are expected to be placed in a student’s bag or on the designated cell phone table during class unless otherwise stated by the teacher. If a student is observed using a cell phone in the classroom without teacher permission, the phone will be placed, by the student, into the “cell phone box”; the student will be allowed to retrieve the phone after the final bell rings. If cell phone usage becomes a major disruption or distraction, the student will be required to bring the phone to the main office. A referral to administration will be issued at the teacher’s discretion. ABSENTEEISM If a student is absent, it is her or her responsibility to make up any work he or she missed while absent. Agendas and assignments will be updated every “A” day on our class web page. Absent students are required to keep up with class work by accessing the class web page and by meeting with the teacher outside of class time. CONTACT and COMMUNICATION: Room 609 (Mrs. Connors is available every day before school from 8:15-8:45 and after school by appointment.) Email: (preferred means of communication): jessica.connors@lcps.org carole.belkin@lcps.org Phone: 703-957-4300 AGREEMENT: By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and am familiar with the above expectations and policies. Sign and date below, and file this syllabus as the first page in your English binder. Student: __________________________ Parent: ___________________________ Date: ________________________ Date: _________________________