– 2016 2015

2015 – 2016
Spanish I
Sra. Lucy Manziano
Contact Info: lucy.manziano@lcps.org
Extra Help: 3:30 – 4:00 or by appointment
Dear Parent and Student,
¡Bienvenidos! I would like to welcome your child as he/she begin or continue to learn a key life
skill in our times—the ability to communicate in another language. I look forward to a great year
and to help your child become a successful learner. Please be aware that this is a high school
level course, and much will be expected of your child. The LCPS World Language curriculum is
quite rigorous and is designed to develop proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening
comprehension, as well as to enhance your child’s understanding and appreciation of the
Hispanic culture. Please check the following information regarding the classroom expectations
and procedures.
Course Description:
Students communicate in Spanish through the sequential development of listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Course Objective:
Listening - The students will develop listening comprehension skills through exposure to
various listening activities from fluent speakers as well as their teachers, and peers.
Speaking - The students will develop confidence and take risk s using Spanish to
communicate in situations such as: expressing feelings, responding to basic questions,
greeting others, expressing ideas and opinions, talking freely in the target language,
asking/giving directions, describing their daily life and surrounding s in a variety of situations.
Reading - The students will develop reading comprehension skills through exposure to sight
vocabulary, pictures as clue to meaning, a variety of reading strategies (silent, group, pairs),
cognates, decoding words and the use of a glossary and dictionary.
Writing - The students will develop writing skills through exposure to a new alphabet,
spelling, and phonemic awareness. The students will write basic sentences, dialogues,
compositions, creative writing, personal letters, responses to questions and directed
statements on a variety of topics.
Culture - The students will learn to use appropriate formal and informal speech. In addition,
the student will become aware of the daily life and customs of the Spanish speaking
countries as well as their respective geography and history.
2015 – 2016
Credit Information:
This course provides one credit toward fulfilling the foreign language requirements for an
Advanced Studies Diploma (three years of one language or two years each of two languages.
Students who receive credit for Spanish I in middle school may count this course in meeting
both credit and subject area graduation requirements.
Classroom Supplies:
1 binder 2" & 1 pack of 5 dividers
pencils & 1 red and 1 blue pen
2 highlighters & 2 dry-erase black
1 plastic pocket folders – for
1 packs of index cards (3x5)
1 pack loose leaf paper
1 spiral notebook - 100 sheets
1 pack - 12 colored pencils
3 glue sticks
Class Expectations:
Be respectful – (respect yourself, others and property)
Be responsible – (complete your homework and assignments on time)
Be ready and prepared – ( bring your materials every day; agenda, Spanish binder,
notebook and pencils)
Be in class on time.
*Spanish class is a no gum zone. It is much easier to speak Spanish well and to be
understood if you are not chewing gum.
Grading Policy:
The world language department has adopted the 90/10 grading policy. Summative assessments
will be 90% of the final grade and formative assessments will be 10%.
 Summative assessments occur at the end of teaching and include scheduled quizzes,
unit tests, projects, presentations, quarterly CPA’s, exams.
 Formative assessments are assignments that happen during class where we check for
understanding. It includes class work, homework, and daily practice activities in class,
pop quizzes.
Quizzes and Tests – There will be short, frequent quizzes in order to group the new material and
to encourage frequent review of new content. Anticipate a test at the end of every unit with a
minimum of 5 days notice.
CPA and Exams –Students will complete a quarterly, writing and speaking CPA as well as midyear and end of the year benchmark assessments.
Projects – Students will be graded on all projects according to a rubric, which will be provided in
advance of the assignment’s due date.
2015 – 2016
Homework - Expect regular homework assignments, which should each take 15-30 minutes to
complete. Attempt the assignment the day it is assigned to keep concepts fresh from class. Regular
daily practice is the key to success in language learning!
Re-take Policy:
In order to help all students be successful and reach personal goals, Spanish I students have the
opportunity to retake TWO summative assessments per quarter with grades below 70%, on a date
scheduled by the teacher. Students are required to submit a completed and signed Retake
Application form (attached) before scheduling a reassessment. As a teacher, I reserve the right to
refuse the re-take option if a student is missing assignments, is frequently absent from class, and/or
demonstrates lack of effort.
By county policy, re-takes are not permitted for CPAs as well as Midyear and End of the year
Conditions for re-take:
1. All homework, study guides, test corrections and other assignments fully completed.
2. Students' work habits must be satisfactory during the unit assessed.
3. Students must complete the Retake Application and any other requirements established by the
4. The re-test will be given on a date the teacher designates.
5. Teachers reserve the right to refuse the re-take option if a student is missing assignments, is
frequently absent from class, and/or shows lack of effort.
Make up work:
For each day absent, students will have 1 day to make up missed work. Assignments will be posted
on the teacher’s website, and a physical copy will be available in the classroom. Students are
responsible completing all missed work. Late work will be marked down 1 point per school day.
Student Name: ___________________________________________
Block: _______
I acknowledge that I have read this syllabus and will follow the policies and procedures outlined, above.
I will work and do my best to attain academic success.
Student signature __________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian name (print) __________________________ Date__________
Parent/ Guardian signature ____________________________________________
How do your preferred to be contacted? Phone ______ or e-mail _____
When is the best time to call? ______________________
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________