Dear Parent(s): You are cordially invited to attend the

Dear Parent(s):
You are cordially invited to attend the
Student Led
Conference Night! We welcome you to come and listen as your son and/or daughter
discusses their learning and progress so far this year. We are excited about this grand
event and your children have prepared folders of information, data, and work samples for
you to review.
Our Student Led Conference Night is scheduled for
. The
conferences will begin at
and continue until
The teachers and your children have worked diligently to prepare for this event. Each
grade level will have a process for you and your child to reflect on his or her progress
with essential curriculum for their grade level and courses. You will visit with your
child’s grade level, and then continue to visit with your child’s enhancement (Computers,
Art, Band, Chorus, Health and P.E.) teachers as well. As information and data are shared,
you will complete a reflection sheet to identify strengths and additional areas for
improvement. Together you and your child will develop next step strategies to support
these areas of improvement.
This is not a night to conference with your child’s teacher, however, there will be an
opportunity for you to sign up for an additional conference with your child’s teacher(s) if
you feel you need to. This is a night for your child to share with you his or her progress.
We want to see you join your child on this night to celebrate and support their learning
, and we hope to see you ALL here!
If you need additional information regarding this night please contact
. Thank you for all you do to support our children!