Semester One Content First Quarter

Spanish 1 Pacing Guide 2012-13
Semester One Content
First Quarter
Unit I: Empecemos (Lets Begin) (topics covered in this unit should be reviewed on an ongoing
Compare and contrast Spanish and English alphabet and pronunciation.
Greetings, introductions, identify different people, and farewells
Introduce ser
Use numbers 1-100 to quantify (age, time, items, possessions, etc.)
Introduce Spanish speaking countries and nationalities
Describe the weather and seasons
Tell time using digital and analog clocks.
Respond to classroom commands
Suggest tissue box project
Unit II: Así soy yo (Who am I)
Describe yourself and others
Describing personality traits and others.(plural singular adjectives)
Use feminine, masculine, singular, plural (un, una, unos, unas, el, la, los, las)
Describe age, body parts, belongings, physical characteristics and feelings (estar and tener).
Unit III: Los pasatiempos y los deportes (Pastimes and sports)
Talk about sports and hobbies (regular verbs)
Express likes and dislikes (gustar)
Express agreement and disagreement using también and tampoco,, o, etc.
Respond to basic interrogatives (¿Quién? ¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo?)
Compare and contrast extracurricular activities in the U.S with other countries.
Second Quarter
Unit I: La escuela (School)
Identify classroom items
Express ownership using mi(s), tu(s), su(s)
Describe location (estar)
Describe classroom schedule (ordinal numbers) (tener)
Use a variety of action words (-ar verbs)
Compare and contrast schools in the U.S. and Spanish speaking countries
Spanish 1 Pacing Guide 2012-13
Unit II: La comida (Food)
Discuss what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Use variety of action words (-er and –ir verbs)
Discuss foods from different Spanish speaking countries
Unit III: La salud (Health)
Categorize food using the FDA guidelines (food pyramid)
Discuss ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Understand cultural differences in eating habits and schedules
Semester Two Content
Third Quarter
Unit I: El restaurant (Restaurant)
Continued vocabulary development related to foods
Request food in variety of ways
Understand cultural differences related to eating out.
Unit II: Lugares en tu comunidad (Places in the community)
Identify community locations (estar)
Discuss places you go and what you will do there (ir) (estar).
Respond to basic interrogatives (¿dónde? ¿con quién? ¿cuándo? ¿cómo? ¿cuál? ¿qué)
Tell what sports people play (jugar)
Unit III: La familia y celebraciones (Family and celebrations)
Identify family members
Describe relationships, physical features, personality traits, likes, and dislikes
Discuss who is coming to a party and extend an invitation
Describe the items that are present at the celebration and what guests will bring
Compare family members using words such as: más, menos, menor que, mayor que
Discuss family structure and different cultural celebrations in Spanish speaking countries
Spanish 1 Pacing Guide 2012-13
Fourth Quarter
Unit I: La casa y los quehaceres (House and chores)
 Describe rooms in a house.
 Discuss household chores and tell what you have to do (tener +que+infinitive)
 Tell what people are currently doing using the present progressive.
 Compare rooms using words such as: mejor que, peor que.
 Use regular commands to tell others what to do
 Describe cultural differences in various living situations (levels and size)
Unit II: Pobre Ana (Poor Ana)
 Read Pobre Ana
 Read Patricia va a California
 Review vocabulary covered throughout the year
 Discuss different cultural perspectives
Unit III: Repaso
 General review for final exam
**Throughout the year it is suggested to include various cultural anecdotes, perspectives and additional
vocabulary related to the themes listed above