P R O J E C T Name of Project: North Carolina Counties 1st/3rd Subject/Course: ELA Other Subject Areas to Be Included, if any: Project Idea Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: O V E R V I E W Teacher(s): Scott page 1 Duration: Nov. 17-Dec. 18 Grade Level: 8th Reading, Writing, Social Studies Research a County and find out facts and information on that county, draft a letter to the counties local chamber of commerce asking for information and documents that you can use to develop your project information. Create a symbol(s) that you would like to be used in your quilting pattern. All information you find will be presenting using a technology media of your choice. How do significant events, people, and culture shape the Counties of N.C.? What are the characteristics, traits, or symbols that depict or represent the N.C. County you have chosen? Driving Question CCSS to be taught and assessed: See Standards attached to this document Additional Standards to be taught and assessed: Multi-Media, Oral Speaking 21st Century Competencies to be taught and assessed: Collaboration with Chamber of Commerce, teacher, and sharing with each other. Creativity & Innovation –Product Multi Media Communication (Oral Presentation)-Oral Presentation Other: Writing Critical Thinking- Research and answering essential questions Major Products & Performances Group: For more FreeBIEs visit bie.org x Presentation Audience: Class x School-Media Center x Community Innovation Showcase ©2013 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Individual: P R O J E C T Entry Event to launch inquiry and engage students: Assessments Experts Chamber of Commerce x Web NCWISE Owl x Other: Face to Face Individuals O V E R V I E W page 2 Multi Media Project participants participating in Innovation Showcase with teacher. Presenting Quilt to Media Center, Formative Assessments (During Project) Summative Assessments (End of Project) Quizzes/Tests Pre Assessment and CFA Assessment Practice Presentations Dec. 15th and prior Journal/Learning Log Notes Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes- Planning Document Checklists- Rubrics for Writing, Mulit-Media, and Oral Presentation Deadline and check points from teacher Rough Drafts –WritingPaper and Multi Media Concept Maps Online Tests/Exams Other: Consensogram Before, During and After the Project Written Product(s), with rubric: Final Grade ____________________________________________________ Oral Presentation, with rubric Final Grade Resources Needed x Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric:______________________________________________ Peer Evaluation- Assign one peer in the classroom to provide feedback on presentation Peer Proofing of Paper Draft Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation –Final Reflection Page on Project Grade Essay Test Other: On-site people, facilities: Equipment: For more FreeBIEs visit bie.org ©2013 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Materials: Community resources: Reflection Methods (Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class) For more FreeBIEs visit bie.org Quilter for making quilt pattern with symbols. Journal/Learning Log Focus Group Whole-Class Discussion Fishbowl Discussion Survey Other: Final Project Reflection ©2013 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION