Theatre Arts I ng, (571)434-4400 21326 Augusta Drive, Sterling, VA 20164

Dominion High School - Theatre Arts I
Teacher Contact Information: Mrs. Amy Young,
21326 Augusta Drive, Sterling, VA 20164
Website information on, link to faculty – Mrs. Young
Theatre Arts I Course Description: Students survey the technical and performing arts, through a basic
introduction to all aspects of theatre. Representative units of study include trust and confidence building,
basics of the stage and theatre jobs, pantomime, basic scene study, character analysis, theatre history
(Pantomime, Greek, American Musical Theatre History, Medieval, and Shakespearean) all of which include
both an academic and performance component. Students are required to attend and support DHS
productions and are encouraged to attend other theatrical productions.
Course Objectives:
 To develop basic acting skills, build confidence and encourage students to become comfortable
performing and being in front of a group
 To familiarize students with the origins and history of theatre
 to familiarize students with the theatre environment and jobs in theatre
 To expose students to how drama has been written and performed around the world, and to
American musical theatre
 to provide students the opportunity to formulate a general direction of study by exposure to all
elements of theatre
 Preparation for continued study in Theatre Arts II, III, and IV
Classroom Expectations:
All students are to be in the classroom before the final bell rings ready to participate in class activities and
instruction. It looks like this:
As you walk in, dispose of any gum, food, or drinks, take your folder and notebook out of the filing cabinet,
and begin in your seat quietly working on the bell ringer.
The first five minutes of each class period is devoted to the warm-up exercise listed on the board.
Students will be asked to lead physical and vocal warm-ups from time to time and should consider both a
vocal and a physical warm-up.
Students will abide by the Dominion High School code of rules and responsibilities and dress code. You
should dress appropriately to be able to move comfortably in class (no short skirts, thin strapped tops, or
revealing clothing, avoid flip flops).
Work on outside homework is not permitted while our class is in progress.
Supplies: dark ink pen, loose-leaf paper, and a good attitude!
Bathroom Breaks:
Students must be in class for the first and last 10 minutes of class – no exceptions. Please bring any
materials needed to the class preceding this one so as not to have to stop at your locker and avoid
tardiness. Bathroom passes will only be granted 6 per quarter, so use them wisely. If this privilege is
abused, it will be limited. Nurse’s passes must be approved by Mrs. Young in writing, with the time signed
by the nurse upon arriving and leaving her office.
Do not talk or cause disruptions during presentations or performances, as it will detract from the learning
process. Constructive criticism is learning tool for all parties involved. Look for opportunities to share
constructively and assist your peers. This is a safe environment where you should never feel scared of
sharing. At the end of class the room and materials need to be returned to their proper location. All
students are to remain in the classroom until the bell rings and I dismiss you from class.
Classroom Rules:
1. arrive to class on time by the bell
2. bring any necessary materials (script, sneakers, pencil)
3. complete homework (memorization, projects), wear comfortable clothes
4. respect one another and one another’s creativity, process, and property
5. listen to and respond appropriately to me and each other
6. follow directions and accept responsibility for actions
7. use class and rehearsal time wisely – points are deducted daily for misuse of time (remain on task
and encourage others to remain on task)
8. demonstrate positive character traits: honesty, kindness, patience, hard-working, thorough,
trustworthy, caring for others
9. clean up around the classroom before the end of class whether the mess is yours or not (pick up
trash, return seats and supplies to their locations)
10. Mrs. Young is a neat freak, you must live within the neat freak guidelines! 
No gum, no abusive or inappropriate language or conduct, no disrespectful behavior.
pencil and dark ink pen, loose-leaf paper, a good attitude and willingness to work, risk, and support DHS
Work: participation 40%, projects 40%, tests & quizzes 20%
1st quarter: trust and confidence building, stage basics & stage tour, theatrical job descriptions,
introduction to tools, safety, and set construction procedures, pantomime, vocal, physical and
improvisational warm up exercises, oral interpretation.
2nd quarter: beginning acting (comedy scenes), ancient Greek theater history, Greek mask making, Greek
playwrights and chorus study, textual analysis and performance.
Mid Term Exam: Greek history, plays and performance = 20% of grade for quarter
3rd quarter: American Musical Theatre history and performance, improv and comedy skills.
4th quarter: Shakespearean Unit: his life & times, Elizabethan Drama, language analysis – scansion,
paraphrasing, definitions, scene performance with period costuming and historical and cultural
perspective, contemporary monologue, objectives, conflict, and scene study.
Final Exam: performance and
cumulative written exam