Name ____________________________ Period ___________ Topic

Name ____________________________
Period ___________
Topic: _______________________
SWBAT identify the parts of a plant as well as the
Objective: _________________________________________________
differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms
Questions/Main Ideas:
What is a gymnosperm?
What is the difference between a
male and a female cone?
What is an angiosperm?
What is the difference between a
monocot and a dicot?
What is the function of the xylem
and the phloem?
What is pollination?
What is the effect of a pollinator on
plants? _________________________
Gymnosperms: vascular plant that produces seeds but does not have a fruit.
They have cones instead.
Male cones are smaller and longer. They produce sperm, which are pollen
Female cones are larger and rounder. They produce eggs in ovules. They
have a sticky outer covering that will “catch” the pollen. When fertilized the
cone will enlarge and separate which allow the seeds to fall out.
Angiosperms: flowering plants that have seeds contained in fruits.
Perfect flower has both male and female parts
Imperfect flower only has one or the other.
Angiosperms are broken into two different groups:
Monocots: have 1 cotyledon (seed leaf), parallel veins in leaves, flower
parts in multiples of 3 and scattered vascular bundles throughout the stem.
Examples: corn and grasses.
Roots: usually fibrous roots which are small branched roots. They stay
close to the surface but cover a wide area of soil
Dicots: have 2 cotyledons, network veins in leaves, flower parts in multiples
of 4 or 5 and vascular bundles in a ring around the edge of the stem. Examples
are roses and maple trees.
Roots: usually a tap root, which is a long main primary root with smaller
roots that branch out from it. They grow deep into the ground.
Veins: the plant transport system for water and nutrients.
Xylem: the vein transports the water and it only flows UP from the roots
to the rest of the plant
Phloem: transports the nutrients from the leaves and flows up and down
the length of the plant.
Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.
Seeds are dispersed (transferred) three main ways: wind, water and animals
A pollinator is an organism that transfers pollen from one plant and places it on
another plant. Examples are insects like bees, butterflies, lady bugs and other
animals. ________________________________________________________
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