
Mr. Flay Multi Media 10 Slide Presentation
Part 1: Demonstration ability to use tools
Working on your own or with a partner (but each using your own computer), create a set of PowerPoint
slides that demonstrates your ability to use the tools that are part of PowerPoint. Note: the content of
these slides is completely unimportant to the purpose of this exercise. Please do not spend time thinking
about the words you write on the slides or having the slides make any sense at all. All you need is to
have text, pictures, and graphics on the page in order for you to apply the PowerPoint tools.
A good way to become aware of the different tools within PowerPoint is to go to the view menu -->
select "toolbars" --> then from the bottom of the toolbars drop down menu, select "Customize
toolbars/menus." From the dialog box that appears, check all the options, so that all these tool bars
appear on the screen. Then play around with each of them to see what they do, making liberal use of
the PowerPoint help documentation to guide you (even when you don't have a question, it's amazing
the tips you can pick up from using the help documentation!)
Include the following:
Slides: show that you can use different types of slides including title slide, bulleted list, 2 column text,
table, text and chart, organizational chart, chart, title only, clip art and text, text & picture (in any
combination), large picture, picture with heading, a collage of pictures on one slide
Use notes page to expand detail on main slides
Using different types of format (slide design, layout, color scheme, background)
Changes to master slides
Headers and footers
Text formatted in a variety of ways: different sizes, style of font, color, bold, italics, underlined; also
insert text boxes formatted in different ways.
Formatting of paragraphs: use numbered and bulleted lists, and have a series of sublevels under the
bullet and numbered lists; show different ways of formatting numbers and bullets, and animate these so
they each appear separately.
Use of drawing tools to create your own graphics (experiment with different types of boxes, circles,
lines, call outs, color, etc)
Photos and clip art that you have formatted in a variety of ways (e.g. resize, rotate, use different effects,
giving shadow, adjusting variations, creating border, and in clip art, changing the color of different parts
of the picture.
Use custom animation effects for animating text and pictures on slides. Experiment with having different
parts of graphics appear one at a time so as to build viewer understanding of a sequence of steps (e.g.
arrows fly in to point to different parts of a diagram, one at a time).
Use action buttons
Mr. Flay Multi Media 10 Slide Presentation
Sound: Insert music from CD, insert a sound file, record narration.
Video clips
Interactive slides: use hyperlinks to the Internet, to other slides within your presentation, and to other
computer files.
Save your presentation in different formats: standard, as a pdf, as a web page, as a movie, and as a
package which runs automatically upon being opened. Save these all into the same folder and make
sure your last name is part of the file name).
Part 2: Create a "real" set of PowerPoint slides
On your own or with a partner brainstorm common interests in something fun and professionally
revealing which most folks could stand to learn more about. Professionally revealing means your choice
reveals something important about you--in a way which provides subtle evidence of your merit as a
professional educator. Then explore the possibilities for creating a project enjoyable, useful, and
meaningful to you.
Decide on your presentation and is it to Persuade, Inform or Entertain
Make a story board including pictures and bullet points (Rule of 7!!!!)
Incorporate the following content items into PowerPoint learning experience (approximately ten slides
in length):
An original and thematically fitting slide background (existing PPT designs will not be accepted)
An interactive navigation slide or repeated element
Judicious use of text in appropriate typefaces, point sizes, and colors
Original, modified, and instructive images
Borrowed, modified, cited, Fair-Use approved, and instructive images
Instructive sound file(s)
Instructive video file(s)
Slide transitions, animations, and timings as are useful
A references page with working URL links to cited sources (and other resources as you choose)
A slide footer including your names, PowerPoint title, and page numbers
High-contrast, readable content
Your work saved as a regular presentation or as a PowerPoint package
Submit these to Mr. Flay through e-mail
Checklist: Your work features . . .
Mr. Flay Multi Media 10 Slide Presentation
__ Absence of spelling and grammar errors
__ An original and thematically fitting slide background (existing PPT designs will not be accepted)
__ An interactive navigation slide or repeated element
__ Judicious use of text in appropriate typefaces, point sizes, and colors
__ Original, modified, and instructive images
__ Borrowed, modified, cited, fair-use approved, and instructive images
__ Instructive sound file
__ Instructive sound file video file
__ Slide transitions, animations, and timings as are useful
__ A references page with working URL links to cited sources (and other resources as you choose)
__ A slide footer including your names, PPT title, and page numbers
__ High-contrast, readable content
__ Your work saved as a PowerPoint package to a CD and one other location
Rubric for Part 2:
Striking utilization of space, shapes, colors, shades, modified images, text, sizes, and related elements
create lucid readability and distinctive theme.
Layout is clearly original and technically demanding.
Smart combinations of space, shapes, colors, shades, modified images, text, sizes, and related elements
enable solid readability and recognizable theme.
Layout appears original and skillful or is a fresh and skillful modification of an existing form.
Array of space, shapes, colors, shades, images, text, sizes, and related elements are functional.
Mr. Flay Multi Media 10 Slide Presentation
Layout is a functional creation or reuse of an existing form.
Organization and form are confusing or insufficiently cohesive.
Layout lacks evidence of modification or personalization.
Interactive navigation, multimedia files, external links, and appearances, transitions, and timings are
used in a manner which optimizes learning.
Interactive navigation, multimedia files, and external links are responsive and consistent.
Navigation, links, and related files generally work.
consistently unresponsive.
Navigation, links, and related files are
Project makes a compelling case for the value of its written content through highly developed and
revised professional writing and reflection.
Project is conscientious in choice of content--as explained and demonstrated in reflective writing which
requires little or no additional revision or explanation. Project communicates content with functional
writing and reflection. Written content may contain frequent errors or reflection which lacks support
and explanation.
Part 3: Reflection on what you learned
When notified by Mr. Flay that the class's PowerPoint presentations are on the website and the
PowerPoint Web Crossing discussion has opened, view the presentations created by your classmates
then answer the following questions in MS Word and save your responses.
What things your classmates have done with the design** of their PowerPoint which help you learn and
that impressed you?
What things your classmates have done with the design of their PowerPoint which might get in the way
of your learning if you were a student/attendee in a class/session in which this presentation was given?