Final Review Guide AP World History

Final Review Guide AP World History
The final exam will comprise of 25 multiple choice questions, and several free response
questions where you have to analyze several forms of media. The questions below will
help you on the multiple-choice.
MC Section:
1. What is the European opinion of the possibility of World War in 1914? How does this
opinion change over time? Why?
2. What is the New Economic Policy promoted by Lenin?
3. Describe the Mandate System, and who took control of various countries.
4. What are the outcomes of World War I?
5. What is the Indian National Congress, and how did it lead to the independence of
6. What is the Balfour Declaration?
7. How does Japan industrialize in the early twentieth century? What does this lead to
within the Pacific Theater?
8. What is totalitarianism? How does it take a leading role during the Interwar Period?
9. Describe the “Great Purge” of Joseph Stalin.
10. How does Churchill describe the tensions between the Soviets and the United States?
11. How was Germany divided after World War II?
12. What is the major impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War?
13. Why did Lyndon Johnson increase the troops in Vietnam?
14. What is Perestroika and Glasnost?
15. How does the Great Leap Forward represent change in Communist-era China?
16. What is Genocide? Examples?
17. Describe the Communist movement in Cuba in the 1950s.
18. How were many of the African Independence movements characterized?
19. How does Nasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal lead to crisis in the Middle
Free Response Section, No need to answer any questions here, just understand what
you’ll be required to accomplish.
20. You will have to analyze two prints from World War I.
21. There are two propaganda illustrations from World War II.
22. There is one Cold War Cartoon showing the desire for “Containment.”
23. There are four songs, and you will have to analyze the lyrics and decide whether it is
anti-war or pro-war.
24. There is one poster about Apartheid in South Africa, and a desire for independence.