GOOD STUDENTS ARE PREPARED, PUNCTUAL, POLITE, AND RESPONSIBLE MRS. BAILEY’S CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN HONOR CODE As a citizen of Stone Hill MS, I pledge to be truthful in all my actions, to encourage clean speech, to be respectful of other people's rights and property, and to use the school facilities to better myself. Unless otherwise directed by the teacher, I will neither give nor receive assistance or help on any school task. I understand that giving my work to another student to copy or asking to copy the work of another student are infractions of the Honor Code. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Be on time. I will be in my seat and working immediately after entering the classroom. I will be seated, recording my assignments or reading when the bell rings. Be prepared. I will bring all required supplies to class. I will turn in assignments on time (at the beginning of the block). Be respectful. I will listen and follow directions when they are given. I will show respect to people, equipment, and furnishings. Work hard. I will do my best work at all times. I will follow the LCPS SR&R and the Stone Hill Honor Code. If You Choose to Disregard Expectations FIRST TIME Reminder SECOND TIME Lunch detention and/or contact with parent or guardian THIRD TIME Referral to Dean and/or behavior plan SEVERE AND/OR CONTINUING DISRUPTIONS: Immediate referral to Dean and contact with parent/guardian. Words of encouragement Recognition of success Positive notes (random) Rewards Recognition of good citizenship Various other positive perks (throughout the year) The joy of learning (each day of school year) Student: I have read and understand this classroom plan. I will honor it whenever I am with Mrs. Bailey or her substitute. I WILL TREAT A SUBSTITUTE AS A GUEST AND WILL BEHAVE BETTER THAN WITH MY REGULAR TEACHER. Signature: ______________________________________ Date ________________ Teacher: I will be fair when administering this plan. Signature: ______________________________________ Date ________________ ***** Important ***** Return this original to your teacher. You will receive a copy to keep in your binder. Student's Name __________________ LA SCI SS Math Block. _______ Date __________ Parent to be called: Yes No N/A My Action Plan 1. What is the problem? What rule(s) have I violated? (Write out the rule you broke.) 2. Upon reflection, how do I feel about my misbehavior? 3. What's causing the problem? (Please list all the factors.) 4. What plan will I use to solve the problem? Look at the factor(s) causing the problem. How can I change, eliminate, or correct this factor(s)? What will I do next time? Student's Signature _______________________________ Date __________