Homework September 21st-25th We will continue the weekly homework sheet for this week and next. Beginning September 28th Students will receive a Homework Calendar for the month. Only this sheet will be due to me on Monday September 28th. Sight words taught so far: I, see, a, we, will, in, go, the, me. Day 9/14 Homework Checked by Parent Notes for Mrs. Perrin Practice recognizing and writing letters U-W Write sight words: the, me 3 times Count to 25 9/15 Practice recognizing and writing letters X-Z Practice writing number 0-5 9/16 Rainbow write sight words. Use a different color to write each letter in the sight words. Count to 25 9/17 Practice writing numbers 0-5 9/18 Choose 5 of the sight words we have learned up until now. Write them 3 times each. Count to 25 * If you need me to send home student supplies for homework (their extra pencils or paper) to be used at home please send me a note.