Evans Biology 1 Semester Review Extra Credit Name____________________due date: ______

Evans Biology 1st Semester Review Extra Credit
Name____________________due date: ______
1, Biology is the study of ___________________________
2.List and describe the characteristics of life:
3.The Correct order of Levels of Organization in biology are:
4.Describe some types of biologists: botanists, zoologists, geneticists, and
5.How would a scientist set up a controlled experiment to test how an
increase in the amount of carbon dioxide increases the rate of
6.What happens if a hypothesis is not supported?
7.Explain the difference between the experimental group and the control
8.Why is it good to have large sample sizes in an experiment? (Lots of
9.Compare Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data:
10.Define independent variable and dependent variable and be able to pick
them out of a typical experiment:
11.Explain what magnification vs. resolution is in a compound microscope:
12.Which type of scope do we use in our classrooms?
13.How do you calculate total magnification?
14.Draw and label a compound microscope:
15.The basic unit of length, volume, and mass in metrics:
16.Describe what the prefixes mili, centi, and deci mean:
17.What is the science of classifying organisms called?
18. Who was the scientist credited with establishing the system of
19.Define what a species is:
20.Copy the chart of the six kingdoms on PG.459 (You will have to be able to
pick out characteristics of the kingdoms in a multiple c choice format)
Which ones are prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Unicellular or multicellular?
Autotrophic or heterotrophic?
21.What is binomial nomenclature?
22.Describe K,P,C,O,F,G,s (and which terms includes the others?):
23.Which taxon is the most diverse? Which taxon is the most inclusive or
24.What kingdom does Homo sapiens belong to?
25.Describe the basis for classification:
26.Describe a phylogenetic tree from the ase to the tips of the tree:
27.What is a dichotomous key used for? (and be able to use one!)
28.Scientific names come from what language?
29.The ultimate source of energy for most living things is:
30.Give an example of limiting factors in an ecosystem:
31.Compare biotic and abiotic factors:
32.Different species of animals living in a community have similar biotic or
abiotic requirements?
33.What do decomposers do in food webs?
34.What is ecological succession?
35.In what biome does most photosynthesis on earth occur?
36.What is a population?
37.A climax community is what?
38.Draw a typical food web, drawing arrows properly to show energy flow
and include multiple producers, primary consumers (herbivores), secondary
consumers (carnivores or omnivores), and tertiary c consumers (mostly
carnivores), decomposers and ultimate source of energy:
39.Which group of organisms in most food webs have the most biomass?
(They are the source of most food and oxygen in food webs)
40.Define and give examples of commensalisms, mutualism, parasitism, and
predator/prey relationships:
41.What is meant by the 10% rule in ecological systems?
42.Compare exponential and logistic population growth:
43.What is the carrying capacity of a population?
44.Answer the graph population question on PG. 126
45.What is a community?
46.List the main characteristics of the following biomes: tundra, taiga,
temperate deciduous forest, grassland, desert, tropical forest, ocean:
47.Compare ionic vs. covalent bonds:
48. A pH of 4 is how many times stronger than 5?
49.Know the pH scale, list weak to strong acids, weak to strong bases,
50.Isotopes are?
51.Why is water a polar compound?
52.How many electrons does a Carbon atom have in its outer energy level?
53.What do organic compounds always contain?
54.What are monomers?
55.What does a dehydration synthesis reaction result in?(be able to
interpret a diagram)
56.What is hydrolysis?
57.Know the elements, monomer, polymers, and examples of the four groups
of organic compounds:
58.What are cell membranes made up of?
59.Enzymes are what type of organic compound?
60.What types of things influence the rate of enzyme activity?
61.How many amino acids are used in making proteins?
62.The double helix refers to what chemical?
63.List the equipment we used to test for organic compounds?
64.List the equipment we used to test for catalase:
65.How does catalase function in living things?
66.The development of the cell theory was related to what discovery?
67.The unit of structure and function of living things is:
68.List the cell theory:
69.List and describe the scientists and their contributions to the cell
70.What does semi permeable refer to?
71.List the functions and location of the following cell structures:
Plasma membrane
Cell wall
Endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth)
Golgi Apparatus
72.Compare prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic organisms:
73.What structures became visible when we added stains to our animal and
plant cells?
74.Compare and contrast an animal vs. plant cell:
75.Describe in detail what the cell membrane looks like and what it does,
using the phrase fluid mosaic model:
76.Define osmosis and diffusion:
77.Distinguish between what happens to a cell placed into a hypertonic
solutions, a hypotonic solution and an isotonic solution.
78.What is the difference between passive and active transport?
79.Why is cell specialization important in higher organisms?
80. What are tissues, organs, and organ systems? What are some examples?