2015-2016 English 11 Academic Course Syllabus

2015-2016 English 11 Academic Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Vazquez
Email: Christina.vazquez@lcps.org
Office Hours: During FLEX or By Appointment-email or speak to us to set up a time
“He that loves reading has everything within his reach.” - William Godwin
“Good writing is clear thinking made visible.” –Bill Wheeler
Course Description and Topics:
Instruction in English 11 Academic is aligned with the Virginia SOL; students engage in a variety of
activities designed to extend and improve their skills in writing, reading, and speaking. Students study
American literature through a survey of major literary periods, apply literary terms to their
interpretation of authors’ meanings, improve their vocabulary through words encountered in readings,
and develop speaking skills through various group and individual assignments.
Daily Assignments/Formative Assessments:
Students will begin each class with an exercise ranging from journal writing to grammar exercises to
independent reading and analyzing. Daily classwork and homework will help the student prepare for
major assignments. All formative assessments MUST be completed before the Summative Assessment
is due. The formative assessments will count for 10% of the total grade.
Major Assignments/Summative Assessments:
Summative Assessments will account for 90% of the student’s grade. Major assignments will include:
essays, projects, and grammar/vocabulary quizzes.
Students will study American Literature utilizing a thematic approach. Each quarter students will read
and analyze various poems, short-stories, plays, and essays.
American Identity
Conformity and Society
American Dreams and Nightmares
The Inner Struggle
Class Expectations:
Be in your seat and quiet by tardy bell
Have materials and homework
Have backpacks put away, off your desk, and clear of aisles
We will have structured time to use your cell phone; however, when class begins, turn
your phone off and keep it in your bag. Texting and checking social media is a
distraction. If you are told to put your phone away:
o First time: warning from teacher
o Second time: email/call to parents
o Third time: referral to administrators
Participate in class discussions and ask questions
Respect your peers and teachers
Complete your work on time
Be sure to check the white board for homework. Record your assignments in your agenda or cell phone
(you will have permission to use your cell phone for recording your homework).
You must turn in a graphic organizer and any other Formative Assessment before you hand in an
essay. Essays will not be graded if you have not turned in your graphic organizer; additionally, essays
will be considered late without a graded graphic organizer. Type, print, and follow MLA format for all
of your essays. Hard copies of your essay are due at the BEGINNING of class, or else the assignment is
Absentee Policy:
Good attendance is vital for success in this class. If you are absent, you are responsible for getting all
assignments. Please check the class calendar and absentee folder for any missing assignments. If you
miss class on a day when a major assignment is due, you must submit that assignment on the
day you return to class.
Late Work Policy:
All work is due on the due date at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be accepted up to
two weeks from the original due date with a penalty of your total “On-Time Grade” points.
“On time grade”-- this grade is worth 10% of the total points of the assignment
o If you are late in turning in your assignment, you will NOT receive any of the “on-time”
points. You will see a zero in the column. These points cannot be made up.
o If an essay is worth 50 points, the “On-Time Grade” will be worth 5 points.
o If you have a legitimate emergency and need to make arrangements for an extension, you
must do so BEFORE the due date.
o “On-Time Grades” are posted the day an assignment is due.
o The “On-Time Grade” is a Summative grade
“Assignment column”— this grade is worth 100% of the total points
o The day you turn in your assignment you will receive a “T” indicating that you “Turned in
your Assignment.” Your class average will not be affected.
o If you are late, you will see a zero in the assignment column. This grade will be changed
upon receiving your work.
Grading Policy:
Grading will follow the prescribed LCPS grading scale for all assignments. 90% of your grade will be
based on Summative Assessments, while 10% of your grade will be derived from Formative
98-100 A+
80-82 B63-66 D
93-97 A
77-79 C+
60-62 D-
90-92 A73-76 C
0-59 F
87-89 B+
70-72 C-
83-86 B
67-69 D+
Retake Policy:
Retakes on summative assessments will ONLY take place if you have met the following criteria:
 have turned in all formative assessments
 met with for a reteach session
 answered reflective questions regarding your performance on the summative assessment
Retakes need to take place within ONE WEEK of the reteach session. The higher of the two grades will
be entered into the grade book.
Students may rewrite TWO essays per quarter
Students may retake TWO quizzes per quarter
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Honor Code:
Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words and ideas as your own. Cheating is copying someone
else’s answers. Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated; if you plagiarize or cheat, you will receive a
zero for the assignment and meet with an administrator. All students are expected to follow the PFHS
Honor Code.
Materials for class:
 5 Subject-Spiral Notebook
(preferably with pockets)
 Pens and pencils