Midterm Exam Study Guide

Midterm Exam Study Guide
The following concepts will be covered on our Midterm Exam
Study old tests and quizzes, vocabulary, reading guides.
75 % of the exam will be multiple choice and matching questions.
25% will be short answer and free response questions.
Students will be able to describe and explain the following (SWBAT):
Ch.1-The Study of Biology
Hypothesis-what one is, how to state it pg.5
Experimental lDesign: IV , DV, Control Group, Experimental Group, Constants-8-10Be able to pick out the parts of a controlled experiment and also create a simple
graph from given data.
Characteristics of Living Things-16-19
Levels of Organization of Living Things-21
Basic Metric Units, simple conversions-24
Use of Compound Scopes, how to focus, calculate total magnification, different
electron microscopes-24-25
Basic Safety Procedures-28
Why use a classification system-447
Taxons, Linnaeus- taxonomic categories,
Binomial nomenclature-448-449
Traditional classification factors, convergent evolution-450,
Evolutionary classification, cladistic analysis, cladograms, phylogenetic trees-451453
6 Kingdoms, be able to describe the characteristics of the 6 Kingdoms pg.459
The purpose of and how to use a dichotomous keys-pg.462-463
Ch-2- Chemistry of Life
The structure of a molecule of water-40
Covalent/Ionic/Hydrogen bonds-38
Properties of Water-40
Solute vs. Solvent-42
Scale of pH values-acids, bases, neutral-43
Monomers, polymers, examples, and functions of the 4 groups of Organic
Product vs. reactant-49
Catalysts, Enzymes, what they are and what can affect them-51-53
Chapters 3-6 (Ecology)
Food Chains webs Producers, Consumers(1st, 2nd, 3rd, level)Decomposers 67-70
Chemosynthetic Bacteria’s role in special food webs-68
Carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, predator, symbiosis, mutualism,
commensalisms-69 &93
10% rule of energy loss-72
Ecological pyramids-72-73
Nitrogen fixation-78
Purpose of Biogeochemical cycling-74
Limiting nutrients-80
Abiotic/biotic factors-90
Ecological succession primary and secondary-what influences its length,94-95
Be able to describe various biome characteristics-100-111
Population density, immigration, emigration-119-120
Logistic vs. Exponential population growth, carrying capacity-121-122
Density dependent vs. density independent limiting factors-125-126
Invasive species ’effects, old-growth forests, how acid rain is formed,-144-149
Ecological hot spots, global warming, ozone depletion.157-160
Ch.7-Cells and Cell Transport/ study vocabulary
Scientists in cell timeline-170-171
Cell theory-170
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells and their structure-172
Basic structure of eukaryotic cells and function of all major organelles-173-182
Compare and Contrast Plant vs. Animal Cells-174
The sequence of the path of a protein in the cell (think where proteins are made, and
what ships them out)-177-178
Diffusion, osmosis, active transport in cell membrane-185-189
Examples of cell specialization,-191
Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems- simpler to more complex-192-193