SHEPHERD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER HANDBOOK 2014-2015 School Mascot: Eagles School Colors: Blue and Yellow 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Shepherd Elementary School 1748 Charlotte Hwy. Mooresville, NC 28115 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Main Office: (704) 664-2582 Fax: (704) 660-1642 SCHOOL HOURS: Teachers: 7:00-2:30 Students: 7:30-2:15 Announcements: 7:35 Lunch Hours: 10:55 – 1:10 ABSENCES (EMPLOYEES) Please notify Mrs. Waugh if you know ahead of time that you are going to be absent. Please see Mrs. Janos for a yellow sheet and submit the yellow sheet to Mrs. Waugh for approval. Teachers are responsible for contacting a substitute teacher when an absence is necessary. You will be given a copy of our sub list. Utilize the sub calling procedures for all absences which require a sub. Adequate plans for the substitute are essential. All teachers are to make a substitute folder. This is for use in case an emergency prevents you from making your usual good lesson plans for your substitute. Include in the folder the following: Room assignment Class roll, etc. Assignments for three days Lunch schedule Names of helpful students Duty assignments Seating charts (if you use them) Anything else to help your substitute in your particular class General daily schedule Lock down procedures Teachers and Assistants must also notify the office of their absence by 7:00 a.m. When anyone is absent, “reason for absence” will be turned in just the way it is called in. You are required to sign in each morning. Classified employees must first get permission from the Principal before taking comp time. Teachers requesting exchange time should also get prior approval from the Principal. The Principal must know seven days (five working days) in advance when an employee is taking personal leave. You must complete a “Request for Personal Leave” form and submit the request to the principal for approval (yellow form). All appointments should be scheduled after the student day unless you are taking sick leave. Appointments are not to be scheduled on early release days or staff meeting afternoons (Tuesdays). Personnel may not leave the building during preparation periods of an instructional day without specific authorization from the principal or person in charge in the principal’s absence. If you are leaving campus for personal reasons, you must clock out. If the 2 reason for leaving campus takes more than one hour, you must clock out and take ½ a day. Please use the notebook in the office to sign out and in if you are leaving for school related purposes. Whenever a staff member is out 5 consecutive days (any combination of reasons – except for Annual Leave) an FMLA form must be filled out which requires a doctor’s note. ACCIDENTS Report all accidents to the office, call the parent, and fill out an accident report. Turn in the completed report to Mrs. Waugh. AFTER SCHOOL No child should be kept in school beyond 2:15 P.M. without notification to parent. The staff member detaining the student is responsible for contacting the parent and for supervising the student until the parents come. If you know in advance that you will be keeping the student after normal school hours, please obtain written permission from the parent or guardian. AT-RISK PLANS Every student who is at-risk of academic failure must have tier paperwork completed. For 3rd grade this will include a state mandated portfolio. The paperwork must be fully completed and an accurate, detailed description of interventions entered on the plan. The parent must sign the plan. ATTENDANCE (Students) Attendance must be accurate. Please call the parent or guardian and notify the office when three consecutive absences occur. It is the teachers’ responsibility to also report excessive tardiness or absences to Mrs. Barnette. A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives at school after 7:30 a.m. Please enter your attendance in Power School by 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Barnette will send you a daily list of absences via email. Please be sure to check this list by noon each day to validate correctness of listed absences and tardies. Let office know of any discrepancies. Students who arrive after 7:30 a.m. should report to the office. Teachers should send all excuses to the office to be filed. Our attendance files are subject to audit at any time. A written note must verify all excused absences. Any absence for which you do not have a written note is unexcused. The attendance policy is explained in the Shepherd Student Handbook. Ten tardies or early dismissals equal one absence. We may schedule time for students to make up this time. AUTHORIZATION (Release of Students) No child may be sent home in the course of a day without office authorization. No parent may pick up a child from class. Parents must wait for their child to come to the office after being paged. We want to take necessary precautions to ensure student safety and protection while at school. 1. Parent/guardian sends note to teacher with time of pick-up. The note must specify the individual who will be picking up the student. 2. Teacher to forward note to the front office. 3. Parent to sign-out student in book in front office. 4. Student to be called from classroom and released. 5. Authorization list for each student to be kept on file in office. This list includes parents/guardians and adults authorized by parents. A court order must be placed in the student’s permanent folder if a parent/guardian is unauthorized to pick up the student. 3 6. Picture identification (driver’s license) will be shown in office when student is released. Students will be released to only those adults on the authorization list and who have valid identification. BEFORE SCHOOL No student should be on campus before 7:00am. Students arriving from 7:00 to 7:10 are to go to the cafeteria. Students may go to class or eat breakfast at 7:10 a.m. Parents are asked to deliver and pick up students in the front parking lot. All parents and visitors are required to sign in and wear a visitor badge. Parents may not walk students to class. All teachers will be informed if they have a child who is tardy. The back parking lot is for buses only. Parents needing to pick up their children early from school must report to the office, sign the child out, and the secretary will call the student to the office for dismissal. Parents may not walk to the classroom to pick up their children. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Under School Board Policy teachers bear some responsibility for the cleanliness of the room. You are asked to make provisions or provide procedures to take care of the following: 1. Report needed repairs to Mrs. Janos promptly by completing a maintenance request. 2. Students should clean up at the end of the day. 3. Check on keeping shelves, tables, desks, etc., in an orderly manner at the end of each school day. Your desk should be tidied up before leaving school for the night. 4. Do not tape, staple, or tack any items on sheet rock walls or wooden doors. 5. Do not tape anything on windows. 6. Close all blinds when leaving the room at the end of the school day. Make sure your windows are locked. 7. Lock your classroom door every time you leave. 8. Students should learn not to lean against the walls for support when in the hallways. 9. Leftover food contributes to bug problems. Make sure all lunchboxes go home every day. 10. Food is not to be taken out of the cafeteria. 11. Hang all artwork, objects, etc., on art strips in the hallway. Make sure all your displays are neat and orderly. 12. Nothing is to be hung from the light fixtures. 13. Do not prop open outside doors. CAFETERIA 1. The classroom teacher or assistant will accompany the class of students through the line. 2. Please remind students to get eating utensils, salt, ketchup, dessert etc., while in line. They will not be allowed to return to the line. However, additional condiments are provided. Students are not to use the microwave oven, nor should they ask the workers to use it for them. 3. Students will sit in their designated area. Students will remain in their seats until the teacher dismisses them to dispose of trays and trash. 4. Each lunch class will have two students to clean tables and sweep the area where the class has been sitting. All students should be encouraged to monitor themselves and their area for cleanliness so the two helpers will not have a tremendous job to do. 5. As students exit the cafeteria, they should be quiet as they move to line up and when they move through the halls. 6. Please be aware of the peanut free tables 4 COFFEE AND SODAS If you must carry a soda or coffee down the hall, please do so in a discreet manner. Be careful of spills. If you spill it, you need to clean it up – do not call custodians to clean it up. We have only three custodians to do the work of what should be done by four custodians. COMP TIME There is no such thing as comp time for professionals (teachers). Hourly employees (teacher assistants, custodians, etc) can get comp time if asked by their immediate supervisor and approved by the principal to work over. If it is not recorded, it didn’t happen! The principal will sign off after the time is used. Comp time should be taken within the week it occurs. Payroll adjustments are made each Friday. Comp time for field trips is not to be taken on Fridays because there is no time to adjust the total time when unexpected circumstances arise. Teacher assistants who stay for faculty meetings, serve on committees, or attend PTO, do so at their own pleasure. No comp time is granted for these school-related activities. CONFIDENTIALITY Please keep all information concerning students, staff, parents and community members confidential. (Per FERPA Law) CONFLICT OF INTEREST Please remember that you cannot use ISS email to invite staff to a party where you have products for sale. Examples: 31, Tupperware, etc. You profit from these sales and this is a conflict of interest. You cannot take orders or distribute information about these events during regular school hours. Please refer to ISS Board Policy 3225/7320. (Specifically: Use of the Iredell-Statesville Schools Network/Internet for commercial gain or profit is not allowed). CUMULATIVE FOLDERS Homeroom teachers should review cumulative records at the beginning of the year and be familiar with student information and legal issues. Cumulative Records will be kept in the office except when they are being worked on at school and should never be taken home. By law, only certified persons should handle cumulative folders. Each and every student record is to be checked out as follows: If only one individual record is looked at, the homeroom teacher should place the student’s green inspection log sheet in the checkout folder provided in the front of each teacher’s section. If all records are taken out at one time, fill out red check out sheet provided in the same folder. If the cum folder is looked at while in the office, just sign the green sheet and place it and the folder back in proper order. (Cum folders should be arranged in the order of the checklist. If they are not, this is not fair to the next teacher.) Cumulative folders are never to be left in the classroom with students or adults. Should someone other than the homeroom teacher take a student’s file for any reason, the green sheet should be pulled, initialed, dated, and filed in the check out folder at the front of the homeroom teacher’s section. When these records are returned, the green sheet is to be placed back in the student’s folder and filed back alphabetically by the one returning the file. Health cards may be filed alphabetically in the check out folder at the front of each teacher section. Legislation allows parents to see cumulative folders if they wish and to have a copy of anything they wish. This must be done in the office. Under no circumstances is a parent to remove the cumulative 5 folder from the office, or your room if you are conferencing with the parent. No parent may remove anything from the cumulative folder without written appeal to the superintendent. CUSTODIANS Custodians have designated times to do specific jobs. Do not ask the custodians to leave school or to do anything for you that is not part of their job descriptions. Because they are on a schedule (in schedule section of handbook) asking them to do something specific with you may cause them to miss being in another teacher’s room for cleaning. If your room has custodial needs, please discuss them with one of the custodians (best approach) or speak to the principal about the situation. DAMAGES Teachers are held liable for destructive damage to school buildings and furnishings unless reasonable supervision is provided to discourage this practice. DISCIPLINE Please read and become familiar with the student conduct and discipline policy handbook. As a professional educator, each teacher must recognize that discipline is a problem of growth development; a move from dependence to independence for the child. The teacher should give each child an opportunity to develop self-discipline. Assuming more responsibility will enable a child to develop this self-discipline. We feel that proper discipline is the responsibility of every staff member. The classroom teacher should handle discipline problems whenever possible but the principal/designee will be glad to assist the teachers whenever a case warrants it. We also request that the teacher involve the parents when continuous or severe discipline problems have to be solved. Teachers should keep a phone or behavior log for documentation purposes. The teacher should call or write the parents of children when the children have to be disciplined in the classroom. Try your best to be positive about discipline. Who is assigned to In-School Suspension? Those students with continuous discipline problems where classroom and office interventions have not been successful. Who can send a student to ISS? The principal or her designee are the only ones who can send a student to ISS. How can a teacher assign a student to In-School-Suspension? A teacher cannot assign a student to ISS. A faculty member completes a discipline form and sends it to the principal or her designee. Students will not be placed in ISS without an office referral. The teachers need to fill out an ISS Assignment Sheet. This sheet and any needed materials should accompany the child to ISS. Please note any special alerts (medical). Teachers have the option to pull students for instructional purposes. A student who is in ISS will remain there for the duration of the time designated by school administration. A child will not be assigned to ISS until the office staff understands that phone calls, school assistance, etc. have taken place in the classroom. Students assigned to ISS will be monitored at all times. When knives or other weapons are seen or reported, notify admin immediately. If the weapon is visible and you feel it is safe, you may remove the weapon. 6 DISMISSING SCHOOL Our dismissal time for bus riders and car riders will be 2:15 p.m. All other dismissals come through the office. Please don’t let parents get in the habit of coming to your room to get their children, or disturbing you after the bell rings in the mornings. Politely tell them to go to the office where their children will be called. Teachers are responsible for their students until they are picked up. If a parent eats lunch with their child and then wants to sign them out, please ask them to report to the office and you will send the child to the office when he/she gets their things. DISTRICT INITIATIVES All staff members are expected to adhere to district and Board of Education policies, procedures and initiatives. DONATIONS The principal must approve asking for donations or fundraising by any individual. DRESS Please dress professionally for school (business casual). Fridays are the only day considered dress down or “Jean Day”, but you should still look professional. (Exceptions to dress code are made for PE teachers) Please remember we are role models. EARLY RELEASE/ MANDATORY DAYS (District Initiative) The SIT, along with the principal, of Shepherd Elementary School has the option of requiring teacher workdays for staff development purposes. This year our required days, so far, are as follows: August 19-22, Sept. 17, Sept. 26, Oct. 15, Dec. 10, Feb. 11, March 11, and April 22. Do not schedule appointments or plan to be absent on these days. (Note: Additional days may be added for staff development) ETHICS Please be aware of Professional Conduct and Ethics Standards as adopted by the State Board of Education, Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education, and the new NC Teaching Standards online. (Please see attachment of NC Professional Code of Ethics.) FIELD TRIPS School related trips should be handled according to Board Policy. Principal must approve these before they are communicated to students and parents. All trips should be scheduled before October 31, 2014 to avoid possible conflicts with the End of Grade Testing. Due to economic hardships, please schedule only two field trips per grade level. 1. Grade levels are expected to take the same trips and to plan together. If one person is filling out the field trip form, the entire team should be in on the planning. The same grade-level field trip letter should be sent to all parents on the same day. 2. Fill out the following form: ISS Field Trip permission form (on the ISS webpage under Staff – Forms and Templates – Schools & Students Forms – Field Trip Form Instructions and Field Trip Form) (you must include the name of the charter bus company if you check that box) 3. Email to Mrs. Waugh for approval. 7 4. Mrs. Waugh will email grade level team, Mrs. Barnette, Mrs. Janos, Mrs. Emory, and Ricky at the bus garage. 5. The two cafeteria forms need to be turned into Cathy Emory at least 3 weeks in advance. 6. Mrs. Barnette will call the bus garage or the teacher who is in charge of the trip will call the APPROVED Charter Company 2-3 days before the trip to verify arrangements. 7. Contact field trip destination to arrange purchase order or invoice for Mrs. Janos 2 weeks before the date of the field trip. You must have original invoice, not a faxed copy. If tickets are pre-ordered, you cannot collect for additional students if a new one arrives. 8. See Mrs. Janos with the blue Form 6, 2 days before to ensure she can write you a check for the appropriate amount and to handle any strange situations. Cut off date is 4/17/15 for collecting money. Figure the number of students going on the low side. If the student doesn’t go for his own reasons, no reimbursement for a prepaid ticket is given UNLESS you allow someone else to use the ticket. No reimbursement is given for travel cost. FIRE DRILLS Signal: A continuous sound of the siren or horn. Teachers shall designate at least two ways or plans of exit from their classroom. Teachers shall check these exits each morning to be sure they are unlocked, not blocked, and are available. Teachers shall explain to their entire class the fire signal used in their school. Teachers who do not have a TA should designate a student to lead their classes from the building to a safe distance outside. Teachers shall appoint a leader to take charge in their absence. Upon arrival outside the building, the teacher is to immediately call the roll of his/her class and account for every student. The teacher shall be the last one to leave the room. The teacher shall be sure no one is left in the room and shall close the door as he/she leaves. The teacher shall be responsible for the conduct of the class. Remember to be a model. No talking. There is to be no running, pushing, shoving, tripping, or laughing. The students shall move quietly and steadily so they may hear any necessary instructions. Students are not to stop to put on coats or clothing for any reason. All personnel not assigned to fire duties are to leave the building. This includes principals, teachers, office, cafeteria employees, and maintenance workers. Cafeteria employees shall turn off all ovens and appliances before leaving the building. All classes outside the building when the alarm is sounded shall remain outside the building until the ALL CLEAR is given. They should also form a line. Teachers shall see that these instructions are posted in the room at both exits and read aloud to the class at least once every month. *For more information on other drills please refer to your Red Emergency Folder. GRADE LEVEL and PLC Meetings (District Initiative) Grade level meetings and planning are important tools in improving student achievement. Please make sure your grade level meets a minimum of one time each week in addition to PLCs to plan, coordinate field trips, discuss student progress, etc. These meetings may occur before school, during your planning time, working lunch or after school PLC will be conducted by the instructional facilitator 1day per week for each grade level to discuss and analyze curriculum issues. HOMEBOUND The homebound program is a service offered to students who, for health reasons, are unable to attend school for a period of three or more weeks. There needs to be a signed doctor’s statement stating that a student is unable to attend school. The teacher will work out a program that will benefit the student. A teacher will be assigned as the homebound teacher to make the visits to the student’s home. The teacher will notify the office when it appears that a child will be absent for two or more weeks. This notification should be made as soon as possible. *Please turn in timesheet and homebound forms to Mrs. Janos for payroll purposes. 8 HOMEWORK Grades K-2 are expected to have a total of no more than thirty minutes of homework daily. Grades 3-5 are expected to have no more than sixty minutes of homework daily. Students in grades 1-5 will have assigned reading Monday through Thursday. INJURY OR ILLNESS OF STUDENTS Do not send students to the office for temperature, cuts, bandages, etc. (A good rule of thumb is if a student has a temp of 100 degrees or more, send to office with a note stating what is wrong.) Each teacher should have a first aid kit. Contact the office immediately if a student needs medical attention. If a student is seriously injured or becomes seriously ill while at school or during a school related activity such as field trips, the office and principal should be notified immediately and an accident report needs to be filled out by the teacher. (A serious injury or illness is generally described as one that requires treatment by a physician or hospitalization.) Consult Senate Bill 911 for care of children with diabetes. Never give any type of medication, including nose drops, eye drops, or aspirin. Never attempt to bend an arm or leg, which has been injured. Never make a child lie down in case of nosebleed. Have the child bend head slightly forward and pinch nostrils together. Never restrain a child having a seizure. Never remove a splinter. Send to first aid room for attention. Never move an injured or ill person if (s) he is in shock, bleeding profusely, or suffers from a broken bone. Keep the person calm, warm, and as comfortable as possible INSPECTIONS Possible violations are: cluttered classrooms, chemicals, Clorox wipes, unlabeled spray bottles on cabinets and overheads, throw-up powder in reach of children, trash on the playground and around building, heaters in classrooms, and medication on teacher desks. Please help with this. TEACHER WORK DAY The workday is 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The tardy bell rings and instruction begins at 7:30. Teachers should be at their teaching station at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. Please sign in, check your mailbox and email for any important information. Students must be supervised at ALL times by a staff member. Please honor the instructional day and keep students from interrupting other classes. INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS All students will take home an interim progress report at the mid-point of each quarter. Interim progress reports also may be used to indicate concerns, significant improvements or outstanding progress. If a student is struggling in your classroom there should be continuous communication between teacher and parent as well as a student support plan. LEAVES Leaves are an important benefit for working in the school system. If you have a question about your leave balances please see Mrs. Janos or the Principal. Annual Leave (AL) is earned at different rates based on experience or years of service. They may be used on Non-Required Teacher Workdays. Sick Leave (SL) is earned at the rate of one day per month worked. They may be used for personal, family sickness and medical appointments. 9 Personal Leave is earned by teachers up to 2 days per year. LESSON PLANS (Board Policy 3120) Each teacher is expected to have daily lesson plans. All plans must be thorough enough that the principal or substitute teacher can understand and carry out the instructional program. Lesson plans are to be left daily on the teacher’s desk. Lesson plans should be completed by Friday for the upcoming week with the understanding that changes may need to be made as students are assessed. Lesson plans will be randomly checked by the principal. Reminder, suggestions for structured outside activities should be included in lesson plans for substitutes as well as any medical alerts. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS School related long-distance calls and FAXES must be logged appropriately. Phone logs and a list of all first 3 digits are placed at each phone with an outside line. Please check the first 3 digits when calling for sickness or emergencies for students. Regular phone calls will not be transferred to your room unless it is before or after school. Please refrain from making long distance personal calls or long distance personal faxes on school lines. Fill out the Telephone Log form when you leave a message for a parent or need that parent to call you back. Have a student bring this form to the office so we will know the situation and can transfer the call to your room or provide the parent with necessary information. LUNCH No child is to be denied lunch. Policy 6230 prevents competitive food sales including food and beverages from vending machines during the cafeteria hours of operation. No pizza parties, etc. are allowed until after the last child goes through the lunch line, which is approximately 12:45 pm. MAILBOXES (Information) Check mailboxes and email at least twice a day. Sign in every morning. MONEY Under no circumstances may collected money be accumulated and used for personal purposes. Money that has been collected should not be left in the classroom. All collected monies are to be counted, recorded and deposited daily by Mrs. Janos. A receipt will be written and placed in your collection envelope. All money will be locked up in the office. The following guidelines are to be used for collecting money from students: 1) You must write a receipt to each student that you collect money from. See Mrs. Janos if you need a new receipt book. These receipt books are to stay in your money collection envelopes at all times, locked up. 2) List each student’s name, amount collected, cash, check, or money order), date the money was collected, and your receipt number (if you write a receipt) on the form stapled to the large brown envelope. Do not list a student’s name until you have collected the money. 3) Place the money that has been collected in the large brown envelope. Turn the envelope in to Mrs. Janos each day that you have collected money. Each time you turn in money, she will write you a receipt. A smaller envelope is provided for your receipts. This should be left inside the money collection envelope at all times. 4) Turn in these envelopes and receipt books to Mrs. Janos daily by 10:30 AM. It is especially important for you to keep accurate accounts of any fees you collect or that are owed to the school. Be positive that there is an obligation before asking us to collect it. 10 Lunch money should be in a separate envelope and taken to the cafeteria each morning before 8:30 am. PARENT COMMUNICATION PLAN Teachers will send home progress reports, as well as a quarterly report card. In addition, the school is required to have two conferences with parents during the year – one during the first semester and one during the second semester. It is required that if a student is having trouble that you communicate often so there are no surprises. Please take time to also communicate with your students who are not having problems and doing a great job. This builds relationships. It is best practice to keep a contact log for every student. You will be asked to submit a contact log sheet each semester with documentation of at least one conference. PARENT LETTERS (optional) All teachers should send letters home to parents at least each month communicating units of study, special events, field trips, and ways parents can help at home. Please submit a copy of all teacherparent correspondence to the principal. *Always proofread and let a buddy double-check any correspondence before you send it to a parent. Watch for stereotypes such as using the word “he” when generically referring to students. PARTIES or Treat Days Parties can be used to extend the experiences of young children. Parties should be carefully planned in order to enhance and not detract from the normal school day. The following guideline should be followed: Parties should occur in the afternoon after lunch. Birthday parties are not allowed at school. Birthday party invitations should be given out from the home, not at school. Holiday treats should occur on the last day of school before the holiday. Be sure that you are being respectful of any students whose religion forbids them from observing/celebrating holidays in the classroom. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECESS The Iredell/Statesville Schools and the state of North Carolina observe the following Policy 6139: A. Each elementary school student shall participate daily in 30 minutes of structured physical education activity. Three days per week of physical education shall be under the supervision of the regular classroom teacher and two days per week shall be under the supervision of a licensed physical education teacher. B. Physical Education is not to be withheld or used as punishment for misbehavior or used as work make-up time. Each class should have a short time for recess during the day. Schools can meet the requirement with activities designed to get students up and moving between classes, or with physical activity that's part of academic lessons. On days with good weather, students should go outside. Teachers should plan for recess, having an activity planned. “Free play” may lead to accidents and disagreements. POLICIES (All board policies are on the ISS webpage under Administration) Please adhere to all policies adopted by the ISS Board of Education 11 PRIME TIME Prime Time is provided from 2:15 until 6:00 p.m. Parents are asked to pick up students in the bus parking lot. PROMPTNESS Teachers not assigned to a specific early morning duty must be in their classrooms when the 7:00 a.m. bell rings. Promptness also includes following all schedules and being on time for programs, meetings, etc. PTO Certified staff members are encouraged to support the local PTO. Certified staff members are expected to attend two PTO meetings and two special events. RECEPTION OF NEW STUDENTS Throughout the year we receive new students to Shepherd Elementary from other schools. They will first register in the office and be placed on a class roster. Someone will escort the new student to his/her new room from the office. Usually the parent will accompany the child to meet the teacher and to see where the room is located. This is a CRITICAL moment in that child’s year. Movement, no matter how often, is disruptive and unsettling for a child. All of our students should be greeted with warmth and enthusiasm. They should be made to feel very special and at home in their new surroundings. This is not the time to request additional materials or equipment. That sends a silent message to the new student and/or parents that we really don’t have room for you and don’t want you here. Even if you feel that you do not have space and that someone else does, please do not state or imply that in front of the child or the parent. The bottom line is the Golden Rule for an educator: Treat a child in the manner in which you would want your own flesh and blood treated in that situation. REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS REPORTS A progress report will be sent to parents of each student at the end of each nine-week reporting period. Instructions and demonstrations will be provided for all teachers as to how to do Power School report cards. Completing the progress report shall be the responsibility of the classroom teacher. In situations where more than one individual shares the responsibility for teaching a student, those teachers involved will determine the evaluation jointly. The Music, Art, Technology, PE teachers will report student grades to the classroom teachers five workdays prior to the distribution of report cards. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT TEAM The SIT Team meets at least once monthly to discuss the operation of Shepherd Elementary School. Each group elects one member to represent them on the team. The SIT has a chairperson to conduct the meeting. New members transition in August. Different members from each of the groups alternate that group’s "SIT" position to provide stability. Each person serves a 3 year term according to the by laws. ADD NEW DIABETES CARE STAFF MEETINGS Staff meetings are an important line of communication within the school and all teachers and support staff members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings. We will have meetings scheduled every Tuesday. Because of our early start time; our meetings will take place after school. The meeting will begin promptly at 2:30, and you should expect to stay until at least 3:30 pm and no longer than 4:00 pm. Please do not make appointments on these days. All certified staff members are required to be in attendance. Children are not allowed at staff meetings. Staff members who are responsible for children must make their own child care arrangements during meetings. 12 If you have an agenda item, please let Mrs. Waugh know two weeks prior to the meeting if possible. STUDENTS’ DAY The students’ day is from 7:10 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Teachers are to be in their classrooms by 7:00 a.m., greeting students at the door no later than 7:10 a.m. There will be morning supervision in the halls by adults. Morning announcements will start at 7:35 am. STUDENTS WHO STAY AFTER SCHOOL A teacher must supervise all students who stay after school. Children of staff members must be with the parent if they stay after school. They should not be allowed to play in the building or disturb other teachers. Children will not be allowed to attend staff meetings or committee meetings. TELEPHONES The use of the school telephone for other than school business is discouraged. Teachers are to use the telephones in the workrooms. The office phones are to be used by office staff and guests. Limit personal calls to three minutes. The office telephones are for business purposes and students should make only emergency calls. Parents are encouraged not to call students unless in cases of emergency. Students must check with the secretary before using the telephone, and have a note from the teacher. Staff members are encouraged to restrict use of the telephone to school business. The office will transfer messages for staff members and return calls should be made after students have been dismissed whenever possible. Only emergency phone calls will be put through directly to you. Long distance calls are discouraged. All long distance calls must be logged in the office. Staff members are encouraged to use credit cards for long distance calls. Personal cell phones should be turned off upon entering the building. Should an emergency arise the office will notify you to take the phone call. Cell phones should not be used when you are in charge of students. You may use them during your planning period as long as it does not prevent you from meeting with your team for PLCs or Grade Level planning. The Connect Ed system will be used to notify staff members in the event of an emergency. TEXTBOOKS All books and materials in this school are here for use by students. Teachers are expected to supervise the distribution and care of these books and materials. When appropriate, students will be held responsible for losses and damages. State basal textbooks will be inventoried at the beginning and the end of the year. Assign each student a textbook. Make a record of the condition of each book. Teacher textbook needs and concerns can be directed to Susan Janos, Mr. Grace, or Mrs. Waugh. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES All transportation notes from parents need to be sent to office by 9:00 am. Please be sure that teacher’s name or initials are on the notes indicating that you are aware of this information and we know who to reference if we have questions. If you do not receive a note or call from the office then the student should not be allowed to make a change in transportation. If there is a question about their transportation, please 13 call the parent to verify what they want their child to do early in the day. It is highly recommended that you post your typical daily transportation assignments and note any temporary changes. VISITORS Please have all visitors sign in at the desk in the office, and pick up a visitor’s badge. In order to protect the integrity of the school day, please have all visitors check with the office before visiting any classroom. It is your responsibility to stop any person not displaying a pass. Call the office if you witness a situation I should be aware of. WEB PAGES, STAFF Communication between Shepherd Elementary School and home is an important part of a good effective school. One way to increase communication is the use of personal Web pages. It is the Iredell/Statesville School system’s policy that every teacher develops a web page and keeps it current throughout the year. 2014-2015 DUTIES A duty schedule has been created for morning and afternoon student supervision. It is your responsibility to find a substitute to take your place in the event you are absent from school. These folks should report to their stations no later than 7:10a.m., and should remain on their posts until students are dismissed to go to their classrooms. If you have afternoon duties, you should be at your station no later than 2:15 pm and remain until duty is complete. 14