A Collaboration of Various Strategies that work for us! Harmony Elementary 1 st Grade Team December 10, 2014 Mrs. Poole Mrs. Cockeran Mrs. Jordan Mrs. Moorefield Math Talk Time- A.K.A. Calendar Time During this time the Number of the day is discussed, time, addition and subtraction problems, fact families, etc. MAKING NUMBERS Students are given a blank sheet of paper with squares. They write their numbers 0-9 two times. Next they cup the squares apart into small pieces. The teacher calls out numbers for the students to make. This is much like the making words. Using 3-D shapes Students review 3-D shapes by creating an a turkey with toothpicks, marshmallows, apples. The story of the cousins by Brenda Poole Integrating Math and Creative Writing. Teaching 3-D shapes Using the song “Hokey Pokey” sing through the song, asking students to “put their sphere in, their sphere out,….. You can continue this song singing, “You put the shape that can stack and roll in, put the shape that can stack and roll out…..” Teaching Flat Shapes Ask students to get into a circle. One person goes around the circle with a basket of shapes. As the teacher sings, “A tisket a tasket” the student will stop in front of someone and drop a shape at their feet. The student has to name the shape and continue going around the circle. Anchor Charts Creating Anchor charts for strategies for adding, shapes, ways to make numbers provide help to students. I create anchor charts with my students. B.U.I.L.D centersStudents complete one math center a day. The ten frame on the carpet is used to teach the ten frame, adding, more, less. This part-part whole model was created using 2 PVC pipe. They were painted two different colors and were velcroed together. This is a visual representation of the part- part whole model. Students complete this during their B.U.I.L.D math centers. Students use cubes to create an object or animal. Next students write a story about what they have created. Work on Words for High Flyer Groups Students use www.spellingcity.com to work on games and practice their spelling words.