Choose a topic:
Choose a topic that you feel strongly about. Your purpose in this speech is to
persuade your audience of your opinion. Your topic must address an important
issue in our society. For example, you may not write a speech on how the
Redskins are the best team. See the list of topics for ideas.
We will do most of our research in class. You must have at least 3 credible
sources. Your sources may come from the internet, books, and magazines. You
may not use the internet as your only source.
Your speech must be between 4 and 7 minutes. This means that your paper
should be about 3 pages, typed, double-spaced.
Your speech must be memorized and you may use a note card. One person
in the class may be your prompter, and you get one “free” prompt. You will lose
2 points for any prompt after the first one.
Requirements: The persuasive speech should contain the following:
_____ an introduction using an attention getting device with emotional appeal (see handout)
_____ a clear thesis statement at the end of the introduction
_____ clearly stated reasons the audience should perform the requested action
_____ At least three credible sources spread throughout the paper (with documentation)
_____ clear, precise, graceful, and striking language
_____ connections with the audience
_____ at least five techniques from the “100 Tips for Outstanding Speeches” packet
_____ conclusion with a clear call to action and emotional appeal
_____ works cited page following MLA format
Format: (about 3 pages total – typed, double-spaced)
Introduction Paragraph – Start with attention-getter that has emotional appeal. Include any needed
background info on your topic. Preview your 3 main points by writing, “First we will look at…” or
something similar. End paragraph with thesis statement (intro paragraph should be about ½ page
3 Body Paragraphs – must include research in each paragraph; sources must be cited aloud
Conclusion Paragraph - End with emotional appeal and a call to action (conclusion paragraph should
be about ½ a page long)