The purpose of Public Speaking is to offer students both instruction and opportunity in speaking publicly in a variety of situations and circumstances. To this end, you will prepare and make in the neighborhood of 20 to 30 speeches/presentations of varying types and length over the course of the semester.
You will not be issued a textbook for this class, however there will be occasions when we use a book for certain in-class assignments.
Keep notes and assignments in a three-ring binder or folder. I’ll try to hole-punch the various handouts and critiques I give you.
Your final exam will be a speech and a brief written test.
Get in the habit of ditching your gum when you come in. I’ll take points off if I notice you chewing gum during a speech.
The following is a list of some of the speeches and presentations you’ll be making over the course of the semester:
Collage – self examination/exploration –generate lists of things of interests
Interviews – getting to know others – political views – things people care about
Informative speeches
Demonstration speeches
Persuasive speeches
Study of other speeches – research and report on some famous speaker or speech.
Present an excerpt. Evaluate for message.
Memorized speech
Extemporaneous speech
Forensics OO speech
Speech to focus on speech habits
Speech to focus on movements
Speech to focus on gestures
TV Reporting
Talk show/panel discussion
Impromptu speeches
Radio show/commercial
Awards speech
Roast speech
Panel Discussion
I’ll assign specific dates when I have a better sense of how many students are in the class.
Student Expectations:
Respect yourself, your peers, the teacher and the classroom.
Come to class on time
Come to class prepared and ready to work (with texts, class materials and completed assignments)
Be responsible for your own education. If you need help or have questions, please ask! I am available to help you during my planning, flex and after school by appointment.
Materials Needed:
pencils and blue or black ink pens (please do not submit work written in color pen, highlighter, or marker)
Red or green pens (for editing rough drafts)
3-ring binder or folder to keep notes and speeches
Loose leaf notebook paper (kept in binder) or a 3 subject spiral notebook
Not required, but helpful materials to consider:
Index cards
Post-it notes (annotating, especially in the text book)
According to the Briar Woods High School plagiarism policy, cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment.
There will be several opportunities to work with classmates in groups this year. However, unless specifically noted, all assignments are to be completed individually – this includes classwork, outside reading, etc.
Tardiness and Attendance:
According to BWHS policy:
You are permitted two tardies per quarter – your third will result in Saturday school.
Parents/guardians will be notified when there is an unexcused absence.
Seniors are allowed 2 absences this semester, after 2 absences Seniors will not be exempt from the exam.
Make-Up Work:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me for any missed work/assignments. As per the LCPS make-up work policy, students will have one day for each absence to make up work before it is considered late.
Late Work:
According to the English Department policy, late work will be accepted for reduced credit,
10% per day the assignment is late – this includes weekends.
Any classwork assignment that is not finished automatically becomes homework and will be due the following class (unless otherwise noted).
The Loudoun County Public Schools grading scale is as follows:
A+: 98-100
A: 93-97
A - : 92-90
B+: 87-89
B: 86-83
B - : 82-80
C+: 79-77
C: 76-73
C-: 72-70
D+: 69-67
D: 66-63
D-: 62-60
F: 59-0
The dates for interims and report cards will be posted on the school website. In addition, beginning in October the parent portal for CLARITY will open, allowing you and your parents to view all graded assignments. Please note: this will be my primary form of contact about your grades. If you or your parents would like information about your grades, please feel free to contact me via email, or see me before or after school – I do not discuss grades
during class.
How to contact me:
One major expectation in this class is for you to be your own advocate. If you need clarification or extra help, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available after school by appointment, during flex or during 1 st , 4 th or 8 th block when I have planning.
Main Office: 703-957-4400