Iredell-Statesville Schools Instruction Guide Subject: EC# 1-10 NCSCOS Standard and Objective Theatre IV Priority (E,I,N,M) Suggested Pacing Key Academic Vocabulary School: Instructional/Learning Resources and Activities (Differentiation) COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will write based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history. (National Standard 1) Integration with Other Curriculum Areas (Differentiation) Assessment (Differentiation) Language Arts: contentless scene development depicts basic writing structure found in many literary works. 1.01 Read independently and analyze four plays by different playwrights in different periods. I (3 weeks) Independent reading of four plays from different time periods. Play analysis guidelines 1.02 Write a scene with three or more characters or a one-act play. I (1 month) Write a scene with three or more characters or a one-act play. Plus/delta 1.03 Research two or more playwrights or styles. I (1 week) Research two or more playwrights or styles. Shared Ideas worksheet 1.04 Write a scene in the style of a specific genre or time period. N (6 weeks) Write a scene in the style of a specific genre or time period. Play analysis guidelines 1.05 Analyze the effect of personal cultural experiences on self-created theatrical works. M (on-going) Self-reflective journal COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will act by interacting in improvisations and assuming roles. (National Standard 2) Reflective journal activities rubric PE: Warm-ups Language Arts: speech oral communication skills, characterization. Science: aspects of body functions. 1 2 (Self) 2.01 Examine and practice the elements of theatre independently. 2.02 Demonstrate responsibility and motivation for independent work. 2.03 Recognize one's own individual strengths and remaining challenges. (Body and Voice) 2.04 Explore and use dialects. E (on-going) Memorization of lines and independent characterization E (on-going) Independent goal setting and deadlines. I (on-going) Leading in-class activities I (5 weeks) Performance of a short scene demonstrating mastery of a particular dialect or accent. Percentage of lines memorized / character analysis worksheet Classroom management rubric Leadership rubric Scenes for performance rubric E (on-going) Exercises that practice diaphragmatic breathing, warm up voice, improve vocal resonance. Participation Review 2.05 Study and use stage combat techniques. E (2 weeks) Basic stage combat techniques/demonstrations Participation Review 2.06 Analyze and report on the differing approaches of master teachers in vocal production. I (2 weeks) Research master teachers regarding vocal production, body work/movement. Portfolio Checksheet M (1 week) Individual and group improvisation. Participation Review Develop original work and present as a one-act play. Skit scoring guide 3 4 2.07 Research and examine the work of master teachers who specialize in body work/movement. (Improvisation) 2.08 Continue to use improvisation for spontaneity and ensemble. 5 2.09 Demonstrate improvisational skills in a formal setting. (Acting) 2.10 Develop original work and present as a one-act play. 7 2.11 Participate in student directed works. (Reading and Writing) 2.12 Study and use two or more acting methods by master teachers. 9 E (6 weeks) Participate in student directed works. Participation Review I (1 week) Explore two or more acting methods by master teachers. Shared Ideas Worksheet Report biographical information on 10 American Stage Actors Peer evaluation of an Oral Presentation / Rubric for Film Prospectus/Skit Scoring Guide Costume designs for characters in final in-class performance Technical Skills rubric 2.13 Research an actor’s life E (on-going) and/or body of work from theatre history or modern stage. COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will design and produce theatre by conceptualizing and realizing artistic interpretations for informal or formal productions. (National Standard 3) 7a 3.01 Take a leadership role in the E (7 weeks) technical aspects of formal or informal productions. 7b 3.02 Refine and express E (7 weeks) knowledge of assessing technical design. Costume plot for final inclass performance 7c 3.03 Write critiques of one’s own work E (7 weeks) Costume list for final inclass performance 7d 3.04 Apply knowledge of the components of technical theatre to include scenery, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound, and props. E (7 weeks) Produce costumes for final in-class performance (pull/rent/borrow/build) 8 3.05 Examine and discuss the technical areas of special effects and technological advances. E (7 weeks) E (on-going) 6 Makeup sketches for final in-class performance Assist director in technical aspects of in-class performance Self-reflection journals on technical work for in-class production. Guest speaker on technical work (former students, professional technical designers) Written product Reflection Journals activities Participation Review COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will direct through planning and presenting informal or formal productions. (National Standard 4) 9 10 4.01 Direct a one-act play. E (8 weeks) Direct a one-act play. Directing and Acting Rubric 4.02 Write a reflection of the oneact directing experience. E (on-going) Write a reflection of the one-act directing experience. Written Product 4.03 Study and report on two or more directing styles by master directors. I (2 weeks) Study and report on two or more directing styles by master directors. COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will research by finding information to support informal or formal productions. (National Standard 5) Shared Ideas Worksheet Language Arts: contentless scene development depicts basic writing structure found in many literary works. Social Studies: study of the evolution of theatre relates to specific historical periods and cultures. 11 5.01 Research a period theatre piece. I (1 week) Research a period theatre piece Product-based rubric 5.02 Research the role of a dramaturg. N (1 day) Research the role of a dramaturg Product-based rubric I (2 days) Analyze and perform contentless scene. Improvisation rating scale E (3 days) Assemble into groups and research dramatic works throughout theatrical history. Collaborative Work Skills 5.03 Research and identify cultural and historical sources of American theatre including musical theatre. COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will compare and integrate art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, visual arts, and new art forms. (National Standard 6) 12 Social Studies: study of evolution of theatre relates to specific historical periods and cultures. 6.01 Analyze and report on new trends in theatre performance. E (2 days) Analyze and report on new trends in theatre performance. Written product 6.02 Analyze and report on theatrical developments in technology. I (2 days) Analyze and report on theatrical developments in technology Joseph Mancusco’s Theatre History Evaluation rubric 6.03 Compare and contrast art forms in specific cultures and/or historical periods. E (3 days) Compare and contrast art forms in specific cultures and/or historical periods. Portfolio Check sheet COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will analyze, critique, and construct meaning from informal and formal theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions. (National Standard 7) Science: Sound, electricity, and lighting technology. 7.01 Critique personal progress through the continuing use of a portfolio of theatre work. E (on-going) Reflective journals and portfolios continuing from 2,3,4 Reflection Journal Activities 7.02 Use available new technology or new uses of existing technology to support the school theatre arts program. N (4 days) Research most recent theatrical technology and how it could be implemented in school performances. Research paper COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will understand context by analyzing the role of theatre, film, television, and electronic media in the past and present. (National Standard 8) 8.01 Acquire and demonstrate successful collaboration skills through theatre and related media. TC: career relating to theatre E (1 month) Independently work with theatre students from another program where you collaboratively develop a plan for producing a one-act play. Present collaborative plan through either presentation, or in-class performance. Guidelines for Performance Analysis 8.02 Analyze, discuss and/or write about jobs in a selected theatrical field. I (3.5 days) Independently research theatrical roles and responsibilities of theatre careers. Portfolio Checksheet Updated 06/2007 Priority Code: E- Essential I- Important N- Nice to Know M-Maintenance Strands: Perceiving, Thinking, Comprehending, Applying, Integrating, Communicating, Creating, Analyzing, Critiquing, Performing EC#: Essential Curriculum (1 to 10 or 12 KEY Concepts identified in PLC)