Chapter 7 Study Guide

Chapter 7 Study Guide
Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia
1) Describe the characteristics of Abbasid decline. In what ways were they continuing to impact the region in a
positive/meaningful way?
The Islamic Heartlands in the Middle and Late Abbasid Eras
2) Describe the 3 reasons for continued decline under al-Mahdi.
Imperial Breakdown and Agrarian Disorder
3) Describe the impact of decline on the peasant class.
The Declining Position of Women in the Family and Society
4) Explain what the “harem” and “veil” were. What impact does this have on women as compared to their treatment
in Bedouin society?
Nomadic Incursions and the Eclipse of Caliphal Power
5) Explain the transfer of power from Arab to Buyid to Turk. Be sure to address the role that religious factionalism
(Sunni/Shi’a) plays in the process.
The Impact of the Christian Crusades
6) Describe the degree of success of the Christian Crusades. To what extent did the Christians have an impact on
Muslim civilization? To what extent was the opposite true?
The Full Flowering of Persian Literature
7) What can you learn about Abbasid culture from this description of their literature?
Achievements in the Sciences
8) How did the Arab civilization interact with knowledge from other civilizations? What are some examples of unique
innovations of their own?
Religious Trends and the new Push for Expansion
9) Describe the mentality/methods of the “ulama” and “sufi” portions of Muslim theology. What impact did they
have on society?
New Waves of Nomadic Invasions and the End of the Caliphate
10) Describe the interaction between the Mongols and Abbasids?
The Coming of Islam to South Asia
11) Prior to the arrival of the Muslims, how did India typically respond to invaders? In what ways do the Muslim
invaders break this trend?
Political Divisions and the First Muslim Invasions
12) What are the outcomes of the first actual Muslim military invasion of India?
Indian Influences on Islamic Civilization
13) Describe 7 ways in which Muslim civilization was impacted by exposure to India.
Patterns of Conversion
14) What were some of the reasons why Buddhists, Hindus, and other Indians willingly converted to Islam?
Patterns of Accommodation
15) In what ways did Muslims begin to conform to Hindu culture (make sure that part of your answer addresses
Islamic Challenge and Hindu Revival
16) In what ways does Hinduism attempt to combat the influence of Islam?
The Spread of Islam to Southeast Asia
17) How does Islam spread to the islands of southeast Asia?
Trading Contacts and Conversion
18) Explain why conversion to Islam (or any new religion for that matter) could increase an area’s economic
Sufi Mystics and the Nature of Southeast Asian Islam
19) Describe the differences that arise in areas where Islam is introduced by Sufi mystics (as compared to areas that
were exposed to more traditional Muslims).