Quick Quiz

Quick Quiz
1. The US has a Two-Party system. What are the Two major parties?
2. When a candidate in a Single-member district gets the most votes it
means they have ___________
3. Most countries in __________ have a multiparty system
4. What does a coalition mean in a multiparty system
5. Election laws in the US are written to favor whom?
Minor Parties
The Big Idea
Many minor parties have been active in
American politics, and at times they have had
important effects on elections and issues
There are 4 Classifications of minor parties
Ideological Parties
Economic Protest
Splinter Parties
Minor Parties
• Minor parties usually don’t fit neatly into one
of the categories
• as the parties develop they may change their
1. Ideological Parties
• Based on a particular set of beliefs
• Not able to win votes because they don’t
have broad enough appeal
• However they last a long time
• example: Libertarian
2. Single-Issue Party
• Forcuses on only 1 public policy matter
• their name usually tells what their public
policy issue is
• Not able to win votes because they don’t
have broad enough appeal
• only lasts as long as the issue lasts
• example: Green Party
3. Economic Protest Party
• When there is economic discontent
• No clear ideological base
• usually mad at both parties
• Not able to win votes because they don’t
have broad enough appeal
• The party goes away when economic
problems are over
• Example: Populist Party
4. Splinter Party
• Split away from one of the major parties
• when a minor party gains importance it is
usually a splinter party
• Usually forms around strong personalities
• someone who fails to win the major party's
• As the leader goes so does the party
• example: Tea Party (Trump)
Why Minor Parties are Important
Spoiler: a strong
minor party
candidate can
take away votes
from another
Critic: takes a
stand on
Party Organization
• all political
parties have one
thing in common:
• how they are
National Committee
this is the top level of the party
State Committee
County or Local Committee
Precinct Organization
Party Member