
New World
agrarian society
80% lived and worked on the land
Also large scale farming
Sugar, tobacco, cotton
What happens to prices when other
countries get involved?
Mining became very important
Gold and Silver
Silver is GOOD
The Spanish system was based upon silver.
Potosi: Peru largest mine of all
Continuous wealth was flowing into Spain
Treasure ships made a regular round
And flowing out of Spain. . .
Silver is BAD
 The massive amounts of silver flowing into Europe
had caused inflation.
 Treasure never accounted for more that 25% of
Spain’s revenue…so it depended more on taxes than
 Because thee was so much silver flowing into Spain,
bankers kept loaning the government more many
because they assumed they could make a profit on
the silver.
 So why did Sancho de Moncado write in 1619 the
“the poverty of Spain resulted from the discovery of
the Indies.”?
Controlled very closely
All trade done through the part at
Seville and only the Spanish could
trade with Latin America
Able to keep prices high
 Grant of indigenous people to individual Spaniards
 given to conquerors, which allowed them to use local
inhabitants as laborers
 Practice quickly ends to prevent growth of a new-world
 What does this system remind you of?
Spanish ranches and rural estates
 Developed due to a decrease in Indian population
Owning Land and not people
Bases of wealth and
power for the local
Plantation Economy
Gold and Sugar
 Both very labor intensive
 Slaves were needed to do the work
 By 1800 150,000 slaves had been brought
 ½ of the total population
Like Spain, Portugal had little or no industry of
it’s own, but with the gold, they could buy
whatever they needed.
But what will happen when the gold runs out?
Found by woodsmen near Sao Paulo
Opened the interior to settlement which
was devastation for the Indian population.
Opened new areas for mining and
Biggest problem…Portugal had a trade
imbalance on it’s hands…how?
 Worlds leading sugar
 Combo agricultural and
 Cut the Sugar
 Turn the sugar into
something usable
 Large number of workers
for VERY hard work
The Slave Trade
The Atlantic
 12 Million Africans shipped out
 10-11 millions made it alive
 So many were needed as a continuous supply.
 Mortality and low birth rate
 Needed to replenish
Other slave trades
 Trans-Saharan
 Red Sea
 Muslims in East Africa
Keep in mind
Europeans used the fact that Africa already
had slavery as a justification
 Used many ways, and on many levels
 Trade allowed the existing systems to expand and
The growing divine authority of the African
rulers paralleled the rise of absolutism in
 The development of new political forms
Who was in control?
Control of the Slave trade often reflected
who had European Control at the time
 Portuguese until 1630: Supplying Brazil
 Dutch 1637-1660: They took control of El Mina
 English: needed fro their growing colonies
 Royal African Company
French: Start by not major until 18th
Who did they trade?
West: The Atlantic trade
 Young men for hard labor
 Changed the demographic of the region
 More men in America
 More Women in Africa
East: The Trans-Saharan trade
 Muslim traders
 Women
 Domestic help and concubines
The Middle Passage
Triangle Trade
 The major way Africa was linked to the increasingly
integrated economy of the world
Was it Profitable?
Some say it was so profitable that there were
major elements in the rise of capitalism and
the origins of the Industrial Revolution
Like other things it appeared more profitable
than it really was
The trade itself may not have given the most
The industry that came out of the slave trade