ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Jeremy Staples Email: Phone (school number): (571) 252-2080 Instructor Availability: Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm Instructional Materials: A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Help Desk Professional 3e., by Donna Knapp, Knapp Associates, Inc., South Western, ©2011, ISBN-13: 9780538748537. General Course Purpose: This course introduces a variety of tools and techniques that are used to provide user-support in help desk operations. Including help desk concepts, customer service skills, troubleshooting problems, writing for end users, help desk operations, and software, needs analysis, facilities management, and other topics related to end user support. Course Credit: 3 credit hours Prerequisites: Virginia English Placement Test Final Exam: June 5th & 8th Drop Date: [02.22.16]. If you are not proving successful in this college course due to its rigor or personal issues, the course can be dropped by the above date. Your school will not be billed for your participation in the course. With your agreement, your teacher will send an e-mail with this request to the DE Registrar. If a transferrable course, you must be removed from the course. If non-transferable, you can take the high school only credit and remain in the course. Withdraw Date: [04.28.16]. If you missed the drop deadline, you may also be withdrawn from the course. A withdraw places a W on your college transcript but does not impact your college GPA. To be withdrawn, with your permission, your DE Instructor will complete the DE withdraw form and send to the DE Registrar. Please note, too many “W” on a college transcript can impact your ability to secure financial aid in the future! 1 ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus Course Objectives: Upon completion the course, the student will be able to: • Support help desk operations • Provide essential customer service • Address troubleshooting problems effectively and efficiently • Develop reports and needs analysis • Manage operations and facilities • Give end user support in related areas of software and hardware Major Topics to be Included • • • • • • The role the service desk plays in delivering quality technical customer support The four components of a successful service desk Trends influencing the service desk What customers need and expect How to meet and exceed customer expectations The mix of skills needed for a career in technical customer support Instructional Materials: Fred Beisse, A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists, 5th Edition. Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2013, ISBN 13: 9781133187820 2 ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus Assessment of Learning: 40% Formative / 60% Summative Grading Scale: A = 100 - 90 B = 89 - 80 C = 79 - 70 D = 69 - 60 F = 59 and below Loudoun County Public Schools Grade Scale 2014-2015 Quality Point Awarded (Before Weighting) Letter Grade Numeric Range A+ 98-100 4.30 A 93-97 4.00 A90-92 3.70 B+ 87-89 3.30 B 83-86 3.00 B80-82 2.70 C+ 77-79 2.30 C 73-76 2.00 C70-72 1.70 D+ 67-69 1.30 D 63-66 1.00 D60-62 0.70 F 0-59 0.00 Assignments: Provided through Assignment Calendar located on the Global Drive at LCPS. Academic Honesty: Neither cheating nor plagiarism will be tolerated. If you are found cheating or plagiarizing you will receive a grade of 0 and the incident reported to the department and dean. According the NOVA Student Handbook, “Academic dishonesty cannot be condoned. When such misconduct is established as having occurred, it subjects you to possible disciplinary actions ranging from admonition to dismissal, along with any grade penalty the instructor might, in appropriate cases, impose. Procedural safeguards of due process and appeal are available to you in disciplinary matters.” See Section VII of the Student Handbook, which is available online, for more information about this policy. 3 ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus Special Services: Students with disabilities should contact a Counselor for Disability Services. “Northern Virginia Community College is committed to complying with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing reasonable accommodations for students. No qualified student with a documented disability shall be denied access to, or participation in, services, programs, and activities of the College.” [] Attendance: My policy on attendance for a class that meets twice a week means that the student will receive an F upon accumulating 6 absences. For lesser number of absences, the student should expect a lowered grade in the course. Tardiness is very disruptive and if you are late an unreasonable amount additional work may be required. 3 tardies = 1 unexcused absence. Students must know the last date to withdraw without a grade penalty; after that date no class can be dropped except in specific exceptional circumstances, which must be documented. Any student wishing to drop this class must do so for himself or herself by going to the Office of Admission and Records. If you are absent from class it is YOUR responsibility to request any handouts you did not receive as well as information about assignments/papers/exams, etc. Policy for Make-up Exams: If you miss an exam you must see me in office hours or by appointment, preferably before the exam missed. The make-up exam may be different than the regular one. A legitimate reason must be provided, e.g. a doctor’s note, etc. I reserve the right to give you a zero for any assignment, quiz, or exam missed. Additional Course Information: 1.) It is your responsibility to understand the syllabus. 2.) Do not arrive tardy to class. If you are late, take your seat quietly. For every 3 late days you will be charged with an unexcused absence. If you are tardy for exams or quizzes you may be penalized by not being allowed to participate. 3.) Do not leave class early unless you inform me before class begins. If you are sick and have to leave please do, but tell me why at the earliest possible time. If you leave, do so quietly without disrupting the class. 4.) Try to avoid causing distractions in class. This means do not engage in private conversations during the lecture and tests. Do not read or do other schoolwork after class begins. You must turn off your cell phone and/or beeper when you come to class. This does not mean silencing the phone, but turning it off completely. Texting during class is not allowed. If you are texting you are not paying attention and could miss important information; also, it is rude. A ringing phone or loud beeper disrupts you, your classmates, and me. Any or all of these distractions may result in my asking you to leave in front of the entire class. If I see your cell phone out at all you will receive an unexcused absence for that class. If you have an emergency 4 ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus situation that requires you to have your cell phone on vibrate inform me about it before class begins. 5.) It is not your professor’s responsibility to provide you with a stapler. I suggest you purchase one. Every assignment or paper you turn in must be stapled and if it is not you will lose 5 points. If this happens a second time you will lose 10 points. This will continue to increase by 5 points each additional time. 6.) Unless I instruct you otherwise, I do not accept assignments or papers via email. Paper and printer ink costs money and it is not the department’s or my responsibility to provide students with these. Therefore, I will not print documents from flash drives. There are computer labs where you can print your work if you do not own a computer or your home computer/printer is malfunctioning. 7.) I do not provide copies of my notes. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you miss class it is your responsibility to get the notes from a classmate. 8.) If I catch you cheating on an exam it is an automatic zero. If I catch you cheating again or plagiarizing a paper or assignment this will be your second offense and may result in a zero for the final class grade. 9.) You may use a laptop in class, but I will occasionally check during class to see if you are using it to only take notes. If I find you online or playing games, you will lose the right to use a laptop in class. If you see another student using their laptop inappropriately please inform me (either in person or via email). 10.) NOVA policy is that we can only communicate with students via their NOVA email accounts. Make sure you check yours often as there will be announcements sent out over Blackboard to your NOVA email account. I will not email you back unless you are emailing through your NOVA account 11.) If you are having problems, come see me. I am here to help, and the earlier you notify me about a problem the sooner we can try to solve it. 5 ITE182-USER SUPPORT/HELP DESK PRINCIPLES SPRING 2016, Monroe Technology Center Jeremy Staples, IT DE Adjunct Course Syllabus Class Schedule: WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS OUTLINED BELOW: Weekly Assignment Sheets with due dates are posted in the global folder on MTC’s network. Content may include chapter readings and completion of study guides, lab assignments, homework, quizzes and tests. All work is due by 3pm on Friday of each week. See Weekly Assignment sheets for details. This chart below may change; follow weekly assignment sheets, posted on global and Blackboard. Week 1 – Achieving High Customer Satisfaction 2 – Developing Strong Listening and Communication Skills 3 – Winning Telephone Skills 4 – Technical Writing Skills for Support Professionals 5 – Handling Difficult Customer Situations 6 – Midterm 7 – Solving and Preventing Problems 8 – Business Skills for Technical Professionals 9 – Teams and Team Players in a Help Desk Setting Minimizing Stress and Avoiding Burnout 10 – Final Exam-Capstone Project Presentation Assignments Exercises Chapter 1 Exercises Chapter 2 Exercise Chapter 3 Exercises Chapter 4 Exercises Chapter 5 Midterm Exercise Chapter 6 Exercise Chapter 7 Exercises Chapters 8-9 Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 1-5 6 7 8-9 Final Exam Teach Act Copyright Notice "The materials provided for this course are only for the use of students enrolled in this course for purposes associated with this course, and may not be retained or further disseminated." 6