Civil Rights Quiz Study Guide Name______________________

Civil Rights Quiz Study Guide
This quiz is 25 questions worth 2 points each. There are 11 multiple choice and 14 matching.
Study the following as well as your SOL notes and the completed study guide on my webpage:
1. Montgomery bus boycott started the civil rights movement and led to integrated buses
2. Plessy v Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court case that legalized segregation
3. Brown v Board of Education 1954 Supreme Court case that overturned the Plessy case and it stated that
“separate but equal” facilities are unequal therefore unconstitutional.
4. Civil Rights Act of 1964 legislation that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, or
national origin.
5. Voting Rights Act of 1965 legislation that outlawed discrimination at state and local levels that prevented
African Americans from exercising their right to vote. It specifically outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests.
6. Freedom Riders 1961 civil rights activists who rode buses into the segregated southern States to challenge
the non-enforcement of the federal government to uphold integration of public buses
7. Little Rock, Arkansas- The Little Rock Nine Central High School in Little Rock became the focus of the country
in 1957 when the school did not allow nine Af. Americans to integrate the school. President Eisenhower
had to intervene and send in the 101st Airborne Division to insure the safety of these students.
8. March on Washington A political rally led by Dr. King in 1963, site of famous, “I have a dream” speech,
where Dr. King spoke out for jobs, freedom, racial justice and equality.
9. Non-violent protest Dr. King advocated for this type of passive protest as opposed to violent protest.
Examples are: freedom riders, sit-ins and boycotts
10. Jim Crow laws state and local laws that were put in place after Reconstruction that segregated whites from
blacks. Ex. restrooms, restaurants, water fountains, etc.
11. Civil disobedience a form of non-violent protest it is the refusal to comply with laws that are deemed
racially unjust. Ex. boytcotts, picketing, nonpayment of poll taxes. etc.
12. NAACP Founded in 1909 this civil rights organization is still around today and it works for the elimination of
racial discrimination by lobbying, taking legal action, and education.
13. Sit-in an example of non-violent protest where participants occupy a place as a form of protest
14. Boycott an example of non-violent protest where participants refuse to buy or use certain goods or services
15. Thurgood Marshall the grandson of a slave, Thurgood Marshall was an attorney on the Brown v. Board of
Education case in 1954 and later became the first African American on the Supreme Court.
16. Rosa Parks civil rights activist who began the Montgomery, Alabama successful bus boycott in 1955