The Impact of Change on American Indians

The Impact of Change on American Indians
The Nez Perce and Chief Joseph
Region: Pacific
>The Nez Perce formed a friendship with early
white settlers in the west.
> Chief Joseph agreed to give up land and move
to reservation in order to avoid war.
> A fight broke out and soon a war started
between the US Army and the Nez Perce.
>The remaining Nez Perce who were not killed
were forced onto a reservation in Oklahoma.
Many became sick and died there.
The Battle of Wounded Knee
>The last major armed conflict between American
Indians and the US Army.
>In 1890, 500 troops arrived to escort the remaining
members of the Lakota Sioux tribe off their land and
into a reservation.
>Fighting broke out after the Lakota began performing a
Ghost Dance (used to summon their ancestors)
>150 Lakota’s were killed, the remaining 4,000 Lakota
surrendered 17 days later.
Forced Relocation and Assimilation
>By 1890, most all American Indians were forced to relocate onto reservations
set aside for them by the United States government. This treaty (or agreement)
was called the Dawes Act.
>The population of buffalo was dramatically reduced in order to force American
Indians to move in search of food.
>Eventually the US Government would break its treaty with the American Indians
and begin selling off land for their reservations – forcing them to move once
>At the same time, the government attempted to assimilate (change) American
Indians to follow the style and culture of white Americans. Some American
Indians were forced to change their name and appearance. American Indians
were not considered citizens until 1924.