Answers for bonus SOL packet For best use of this packet – check the answers AFTER you have answered all the problems to the best of your abilities. Use a different color pen, check all answers and correct all the answers you had a mistake on. Sample 1 - c 1. D 5. D 2. C 6. B 9. 47 10. Sample 2 - 81 3. B 7. D 1 and 4 11. 2 and 6 1. y 4 4. C 8. Distributive P, commutative POA, associative POA 12. HA y=4 VA x=3 2. y 3. y 5 4. y 4 5. y 0 13. 63 14. B 17. 1 and 3 21. C 25. Same as #24 18. -1 and 3.25 22. D 26. {-2, 6} 29. 67cm3********* 30.{(-3,0),(-1,0),(2,0)} 17 11 33. 3q 6 r 6 and 34. D 15. That’s about 47.5% so it could be 2 st. dev to the right or to the left of the mean 34% + 13.5% 19. B 23. C 27. (x+1), (3x+2), (x-5) 31. B 35. B 16. 5 2 20. A 24. 185 28. 336 32. 2d 5 2 4d 1 36. A 3q 2 r 6 q5 r 5 37. Commutative, Associative POA, Distributive POA, On the back of the packet, please write if this packet was meaningful to you and what did you learn. Thank you