Student SERVICE LEARNING HANDBOOK Civics & Economics O’Leary / MichaeLian 2015 - 2016 In-Class: Introduction Day Read the following statements and circle your answers. 1. I understand what it means to be an active member of my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree 2. I feel like I am an active member of my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure 3. I think it is important to understand the needs and problems facing my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree 4. I believe I have a good understanding of the problems facing my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree 5. I feel I can have a positive impact on the community in which I live. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree 6. I think I have a responsibility to serve the community in which I live. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree 7. I have worked on a service project before. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure 8. Finish this sentence: I think the biggest problem facing my community is SERVICE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION, SUMMARY AND PRESENTATION RUBRIC Checklist for Final Submission: _____ Include a copy of the Action Plan (original plan of service learning done in December) _____ Include artifacts (evidence such as photographs, flyers, etc.) of time spent in service-learning activities _____ Include your journal reflections of 2 paragraphs for each of the 3 days of service-learning. Remember the questions: 1. What did I do? 2. What did I learn? 3. How did I help? 4. What else could I have done or do in the future? _____ Include the 1-2 page summary reflection answering the required questions 4 - Excellent Understanding the purpose and benefit of ServiceLearning (Shown in Summary Reflection) Investigation of a community issue (Shown in Action Plan) Development of a realistic action plan (Shown in Action Plan) Implementation of the service project (Shown in Journal Reflections and Artifacts) Successful interaction within a group (Shown in Journal Reflections) Completion and Presentation of the finished project ON TIME TOTAL: _____ / 28 points 3 - Proficient 2 – Needs Improvement 1 - Missing UNDERSTANDING “SERVICE-LEARNING” VS. “COMMUNITY SERVICE” Service learning is a community service on steroids, with learning being the first goal and the service as the second goal. Although you may say, “Well, it sounds rude to put the service second when you are trying to help people,” the group being helped will not get less service due to this process, but more. Everything you do as part of the service learning process will be connected to what you are learning in the classroom. You will have done research on problems you are facing as citizens in a community. You will come up with a plan to address those problems, you will actually do the service and make a real contribution as a citizen, and then you’ll reflect back on the process. Your reflections will include what you learned and how you improved your citizenship skills, the impact of your project on the community and how you will continue to be an ACTIVE citizen. Service learning provides real LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM, combined with SERVICE in the COMMUNITY. For an activity to be an academic service learning project it must: support learning in the classroom by integrating meaningful connections to the core curriculum; include student voice and choice; provide real hands-on assistance that strengthens the community student and teacher reflection; student recognition. Community Service or Service Learning? SCENARIOS Washington M.S. holds a school-wide canned food drive and delivers the food to a local organization Mercury M.S. adopts a family to give gifts to for the holidays Canary M. S. donates needed items to a homeless shelter while studying poverty in U.S. History After researching the reasons for low number of voters at the polls, students help register voters at the mall Students pull weeds and pick up litter to help out a state park Students grow vegetables in a garden after studying hunger in their community Students do active service as a part of their learning about the responsibilities of good citizenship Students mow the lawns of citizens that are unable to do it themselves do to age or disability COMMUNITY SERVICE SERVICE LEARNING RATIONALE Day One (In-Class Introduction Day) Learning Target/Objective: I will be able to explain how service-learning connects my classroom study of Civics with the real life application of citizenship skills. Activities: 1. Pre-Survey on Service Learning 2. Service Learning vs. Community Service 3. Reflection: How do I feel about doing “real-life” service in the community as a part of my classroom learning? What do I get out of giving back to the community? OUTLINE / PROCESS / SCHEDULE TO COMPLETE THE SERVICE LEARNING PROJECT 1. Investigation (Mid-December) a. Determine what is needed in your community/county – by: Talking to your families Speaking with community officials Checking volunteer groups online in your area Investigating public agencies Thinking about anything you might have heard on the news 2. Community Partner (Mid-December) a. When you have determined the project you would like to do (and with whom, if anyone), there are some research steps that need to take place: Is there an organization that needs to be contacted about the project? How does this organization feel about your project idea? Can you be of benefit to this organization? What further information do you need to know/understand to proceed with this project? What roles exist for you in carrying out this project? Is there a role in which you feel you are a good fit? What other similar projects exist? What can be learned from these? 3. Planning (Mid-December) Create a tentative plan of what project steps need to be taken (these may be modified as the project progresses) 4. Implementation and Reflection (December - March) Complete activities of active service in your program on three separation occasions outside the classroom Keep artifacts as proof of your activities, such as photos, flyers, handouts, etc. Log a reflective journal of at least 2 paragraphs (per student) after each experience, answering the following questions: o What did I do? o What did I learn? o How did I help? o What else could I have done or do in the future? Be ready to reflect in class by the assigned check points (to be determined in class) o Mid-January o Mid-February 5. Presentations on Experience (Final Reflections and Presentations due March 26/27) Prepare a presentation (PPT, written portfolio, Prezi, MovieMaker, or other format)) to showcase what you learned over your experience (your reflections come in handy here) Present your presentation and share with the class – be ready to share with other students in the school! Team / Individual Action Plan Team Members (you may work alone): Team Name / Project Name (How does the name reflect the work you will be doing?) Community organization you are working with: Name of your expert: How the teamwork will be broken down (What will you DO?): Rules of the Road 1.____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________________________________________ What? What is the problem being described? Where? Where is the problem occurring? Why? Why is the problem occurring? So What? Why do we care that the problem is occurring? SERVICE LEARNING MAP Below is a service learning effectiveness map. Some projects may have high levels of one quadrant, but low levels or none of the other quadrants. For example, students may be studying how serving the community is a part of being a good citizen (high learning), but they do not participate in any hands-on activities demonstrating good citizenship. This type of service would fall in quadrant 2. Likewise, some projects may have high levels of service - students help clean-up the W&OD Trail, but do not consider how doing so is connected to what they are learning in class. This project would fall in quadrant III). Our goal with students is to shoot for quadrant I. High Learning I 2 High Service Low Service 4 3 Low Learning Post-Project Survey (Conclusion Day - Late March) Read the following statements and circle your answers. I feel like I am an active member of my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree I think it is important to understand the needs and problems facing my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree I believe I have a good understanding of the problems facing my community. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree I feel I can have a positive impact on the community in which I live. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree I think I have a responsibility to serve the community in which I live. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree I will work on solving community problems in the future. Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Finish this sentence: I think the biggest problem facing my community is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 1-2 Page Summary Reflection (typed, double-spaced) (to be included with your presentation AND your journal reflections) Answer ALL of the following questions: 1. In what ways has this project contributed to your personal development (responsibility, respectfulness, empathy, citizenship, collaborative skills, leadership etc)? 2. Why did you choose this activity? 3. What were your expectations prior to starting? 4. Describe the experiences with the people you met – both with members of the organization and the members of the community served. 5. How has this experience changed your views about service learning? 6. Describe some skills you learned through this experience that could be used in your everyday life/workforce.