Instructions for Parts of Speech Cards Materials needed: 8 large index cards Parts of Speech title sheet Colored Pencils or Markers Definition Sheet Categories Scissors Glue stick Pens Sharpie Marker Procedures: 1. Write your name in the bottom left hand corner on the front of each large index card. The front of the card is the blank side – not the lined side. 2. Get your title sheet. Color the letters with colored pencils or markers. 3. Cut out the titles of the parts of speech. Glue each title on a different card in the middle of the front (blank) side of the card. 4. Turn the card over to the back (lined side). With a pen, write the title of the card on the top line in the center. The title is the word that has been glued to the front of the card. Under the title, write the definition of that word. The definitions can be found on your definition sheet. If you prefer, cut out the definition and glue it onto the card. 5. Under the definitions, list the different categories for each part of speech. Copy the categories form the Categories for Parts of Speech Cards sheet. Be sure to leave spaces between the different categories. Under each category name, leave at least 6 lines before writing the next category. Front of Card Back of Card Noun: A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Name Concrete Abstract Common Possessive Proper