
English 10A
Archetype – a model of characters and situations that are patterned or
copied through literature, movies, etc.
Stereotype – an over-simplified opinion, attitude, or judgment held
about a particular group of people (usually negative)
Regional – changes through city,
state, etc.
Changes as society changes (over
Consistent throughout cultures
Always stays the same
Common archetypes in literature: For each of the following characters or
situations, please list three examples from literature and/or movies.
1. hero – courageous figure, the one who's always running in and saving the day.
2. sidekick (sometimes the loyal retainer) – the figure who helps the hero on his quest
and sticks by his side no matter what obstacles they face; the hero’s “rightand” man/woman.
3. outcast - has been cast out of society or has left it on a voluntary basis.
4. scapegoat - the one who gets blamed for everything, regardless of whether he or she
is actually at fault.
5. star-crossed lovers - young couple joined by love but unexpectedly parted by fate.
6. shrew – scolding, nagging, evil-tempered woman.
7. initiates – young heroes or heroines who, before their quest, must endure some kind
of training or ceremony.
8. mentor(s) – serve as teachers or counselors to the initiate (sometimes role model,
other times parental figure).
9. villain – evil character who offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge to the hero or
main character in exchange for something.
10. temptress – characterized by sensuous beauty, she is the one to whom the hero is
physically attracted and who ultimately brings about his downfall.
11. damsel in distress – the vulnerable woman who must be recognized by the hero; she
is often used to trap the unsuspecting hero.
1. The task - a situation in which a character, or group of characters, is driven to
complete some duty of monstrous proportion.
2. The quest - here, the character(s) are searching for something, whether consciously or
unconsciously. Their actions, thoughts, and feelings center around the goal
of completing this quest.
3. The loss of innocence - This is, as the name implies, a loss of innocence through
adult experiences, violence, or any other means.
4.The Hero’s Journey – a story that traces a hero’s journey of growth, development, and