Document 17603182

Lowes Island
Week of Nov. 16th –
Happy American Education Week!!
This week in our classroom we will be continuing to
learn about adding double digit numbers together and how to
carry over groups of ten. Please practice at home as much as
possible and encourage them to show their work. Our test will
be on Tuesday, November 17th. Then we will start
In social studies, we are continuing our study of 3
different Native American tribes: Powhatan, Lakota Sioux, and
Pueblo. Make sure to review the study guide each night with
your child to make sure they can decipher between the 3
different tribes. The study guide was in their Monday folder
last week. Test will be on Friday
American Education week for 2nd grade is on Monday
Nov. 16th. I invite all my parents to participate in American
Education Week with us. This is a chance for parents to come
into the classroom for an activity and then we all go to the
book fair as a group.  Please do not feel like you have to
attend, but everyone is welcome! You can eat lunch with your
kiddo from 11:40 – 12:10. Then join us at the Book Fair
from 12:10 – 12:30, and come in the classroom to view our
habitat projects from 12:30 – 1:00.
Don’t forget to continue to practice math facts at
home. I have links on my website if any students would like
additional practice.  Reflex and Dreambox are both available
to students anytime.
RAZ kids is available for all students to use at home for their
nightly reading.
Login info:
Student’s birthday- mmdd
SOLs This Week…
Math:*2.6 Math-The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is
99 or less, will
a) estimate the sum; and
b) find the sum, using various methods of calculation.
Math Facts: For the 2nd quarter, students will have 4 minutes to
complete 50 addition or subtraction problems to 20.
Content: SOL 2.2 and 2.4c: List at least three major American
* Homework Chart*
Monday: -Word Study Menu
Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log
Tuesday: - Word Study Menu
Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log
Purple Math Worksheet in Monday Folder
Wednesday: -Word Study Menu
Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log
Thursday: -Take a Practice Spelling Test
Read for 15 minutes and sign reading log
Reflex15 minutes
Friday: Poetry Notebook comes home – read poem
to family members. Try to get signatures so you
can get the magic number!
***Practice Math Facts every day-can be
flashcards, time tests, computer games, etc. You do
not need to turn anything into the teacher.***
Important Dates…
November 16th – American Education Week
11:40 – 12:10 – Lunch
12:10 – 12:30ish – Book Fair
12:30 – 1:00 – Activity in Classroom
November 19th - Fall Make Up Picture Day
November 25th -27th -Thanksgiving Break
*Lunch Time: 11:40-12:10
*Library-Every Tuesday
Indian groups, locate where they lived on a map, and compare their
cultures and contributions to life as we live it today.
We are looking forward to learning more about you Theo!