Document 17603180

Lowes Island
Week of Nov. 4th – 6th
Thanks again to all the parents for helping out with the
Halloween party. It was so wonderful!!!! The kids had an awesome
time. We really appreciate all the treats and volunteers! 
This week in math we will be learning about adding double
digit numbers together and how to carry over groups of ten
(regrouping). In science, we are working on observing animals in their
habitats in our community. This is part of our Project Based Learning
we are completing this year. No word study this week. 
American Education week for 2nd grade is on Monday Nov.
16 . I invite all my parents to participate in American Education
Week with us. This is a chance for parents to come into the classroom
for an activity and then we all go to the book fair as a group.  Please
do not feel like you have to attend, but everyone is welcome! You can
eat lunch with your kiddo from 11:40 – 12:10. Then join us at the Book
Fair from 12:10 – 12:30,and come in the classroom to view our habitat
projects from 12:30 – 1:00.
Thank you so much to everyone for coming to meet with me
at conferences. It was so nice to have to chance to talk with each of
Since report cards are getting ready to come out, I wanted
to send out a quick note about the grading scale:
*E/4-Exceeds Standard- in addition to meeting the standard, the
student makes application beyond grade level expectations (This means
that students have gone above and beyond grade level expectations).
*M/3-Meets Standard-student consistently meets and demonstrates
mastery of current grade level expectations.
*P/2-Progressing Towards Standard-with assistance, student
demonstrates partial mastery of current grade level expectations.
* B/1-Below Standard- with assistance, student struggles to
demonstrate partial mastery of current grade level expectations.
Please keep in mind that this scale is not based on A, B, C, D. 
*** **Please have your child bring in a PAPER TOWEL TUBE for a
project we have already started.
SOLs This Week…
Math:*2.6 Math-The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is
99 or less, will
a) estimate the sum; and
b) find the sum, using various methods of calculation.
Math Facts: For the 2nd quarter, students will have 4 minutes to
complete 50 addition or subtraction problems to 20.
Content: SOL 2.5- The student will investigate and understand that
* Homework Chart*
Monday: - Teacher Workday
Tuesday: - Teacher Workday
Wednesday: - Read for 15 minutes and sign reading
Thursday: - Read for 15 minutes and sign reading
Friday: Poetry Notebook comes home – read poem
to family members. Try to get signatures so you
can get the magic number!
***Practice Math Facts every day***
Students should also be reading out loud to
parents at home-giving retells of the story,
and identifying the most important part.
Important Dates…
2nd-3rd -Teacher Workdays
4th – ASAP Starts
11th – Report Cards come home
16th – American Education Week
11:40 – 12:10 – Lunch
12:10 – 12:30ish – Book Fair
12:30 – 1:00 – Activity in Classroom
November 25th -27th -Thanksgiving Break
living things are part of a system.
STAR STUDENT: No star student this week