Global Social Issues Teacher Info: Ms. Hayley Christiansen Email: Room: 126 (7th period) 127 (8th period) Course Description: This course is all about you. It may seem odd to begin a course about global issues by focusing on the individual, but by taking a close look at who we are as individuals, we can determine how we identify ourselves and how our identities are connected to different people across the world. Given the rapid pace of integration in today’s world, we will likely find that even if we — the people on this planet — have numerous differences, we all face similar issues for our human societies. Grading Policy: Grading Scale: 98-100: A+ 93-97: A 90-92: A87-89: B+ 83-86: B 80-82: B- Assessment: Tests =40% Projects and Essays= 30% Homework and Classwork = 20% Participation= 10% 77-79: C+ 73-76: C 70-72:C – 67-69: D+ 63-66: D 60-62: D – 59 and below: F QuizStar: Quizstar is an online quiz website. Periodically, you will be asked to complete a quiz using the program. You will need to create an account and register for your class period. It is a FREE website and they will not use your information. Please go to to sign up. Directions on how to register are provided on the website. Academic Integrity: Bottom line is “Do your own work”. You and I will never know what you know if the work is not your own. In this class, we will be working in pairs and groups – you must learn when it is acceptable to work together, and when you need to work alone. Homework and Daily Assignments: Homework and Classwork are assigned on a daily basis and it is the student’s responsibility to record and keep track of those assignments. What you need: Please bring the following materials to class every day: 3 ring binder (FOR GSI ONLY!!) o I suggest a 1 inch binder Paper Agenda/Student Planner Flash drive Pens and pencils Markers and colored pencils Highlighters Class Rules: 1. Be respectful- respect the views, opinions and property of classmates and myself. If at any time you are disrespectful to me or a classmate you will be asked to leave. 2. Be prepared- come to class with your materials and completed assignments 3. Be productive- participate and be engaged in class, don’t sleep or distract others 4. NO FOOD OR DRINKS PLEASE!! Absences: When a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed work. All tests and quizzes must be made up within 1 week of the absence, if not the grade will be a zero. Students are encouraged to make up tests during their study hall periods in the resource room. Tardy Policy: The door will be shut when the bell rings, if you are not in YOUR SEAT when the bell rings you’re considered tardy!! Behavior Policy: If a behavioral problem comes up it’s as simple as 3 strikes you out! 1. Warning 2. Time out to cool down and a call/email to parent or guardian 3. written referral Passes out of class: If you have to use the bathroom ask quietly and politely. Only 2 passes are allowed out at a time. Do not ask to leave class during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. Do not abuse the passes out of class or you will lose that privilege. If you come to class late for any reason, you will not be allowed to leave class. Before/After School Help: Unless otherwise specified, I will be available most mornings before school at 8:15 and most afternoons until about 4:30. You may always come find me between classes or contact me by email. Class Updates: I expect all students in high school to be able to communicate effectively with their teachers. You can check my website for updates and please feel free to email me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. **look over this syllabus with your parents/guardian tonight have you and your parents/guardian sign the last page as well as have your parents/guardian fill out the information form. Return both forms to me next class* Class Contract Mission Statement: I have read the above policies and procedures and will do my best to abide by the guidelines given to me by Ms. Christiansen. I will also be courteous and positive in and out of the classroom in order to become the best citizen I can! _____________________________ Student Name (Print) _____________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print) _____________________________ ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Guardian Information Sheet Please fill out and return by next class Student Name __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Email address_______________________________________________ Home phone__________________________________ Work phone _________________________________ Other phone (optional)__________________________ Please indicate with a (*) which contact method you prefer Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Email address_______________________________________________ Home phone__________________________________ Work phone _________________________________ Other phone (optional)__________________________ Please indicate with a (*) which contact method you prefer ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________ Date