Romeo and Juliet Memory Book Project

Romeo and Juliet
Memory Book Project
Due date:
Point value: 100 points – will count twice
The student will create a memory book for Romeo and Juliet. You may pick from the
perspective of Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence or the Nurse. This will be a group project;
however, each member will be responsible for creating their own three pages of the
memory book. You will be given at least two classes to work on it, but you may have to
work outside of the classroom. It will be up to the group to decide how and where.
Objective: Based on a character chosen from Romeo and Juliet, the student will identify
a theme and relate to it in several different creative formats. Critical thinking, along
with creativity, professional appearance, and lack of mechanical errors, will be assessed
and evaluated.
Writing Requirements:
Thesis. Your project must have a unifying thesis. Everything you include
must fall under the topic of your thesis. We will talk about some
possibilities, but the point is for you to reflect on a theme or an idea
found in the play. Each piece should relate to and make reference to the
novel in some way.
Unifying visual motif. The idea is not merely to create a bunch of
different pieces and staple them together. Some visual image (or images)
must tie all of the pieces together smoothly. The image should be
something related to a theme. I’ll show you some examples.
Genre. Genre means different styles or types of writing. (ex. poetry,
short story, drawing, email)
a. Each student must write in at least three (3) different genres, each
student will have three (3) pages to put in the book.
b. Each student must include at least one (1) original piece of writing.
Yes, some of the options include artwork, but remember that this is a
writing assignment, so all of your work must include some of your
own original writing. Choose from the following options:
i. Journal entry
ii. Poetry
iii. Dialogue (Two characters speaking, an IM conversation, a
phone conversation)
iv. Photographs – you can either draw your own or use
something from the internet; however, if you use a picture
from the internet or clip art, you must alter it in some way to
make it your own. In addition the photo must have a caption
and the Act and Scene number it represents
Letter/love letter
News article/News bulletin
Sentimental items – concert/movie tickets, dried flowers,
programs, notes, trinkets
You may not have more than one (1) of any one type of genre.
A two-paragraph journal entry. (This is NOT one of your three original
pieces; it should come right after your table of contents)
a. The first paragraph should discuss what you learned by reading
Romeo and Juliet and the theme on which you focused.
b. The second paragraph should evaluate the process your group went
through while creating this project. How did you come up with it with
this theme? What did you enjoy most or least about the process of
doing this project? Where do you think you excelled? Where do you
think you did not succeed? What will help me to understand this
project as I read it?
c. You may go over this two-paragraph minimum if you wish.
Formatting requirements:
1. Cover page with a title and your names on it. Your title should reflect the theme
of your project. The play title is not an acceptable title.
2. Each member should put their name on their individual work.
3. A table of contents immediately following the title page.
4. Your project should be “bound”, not just stapled together.
5. Your project should be creative, colorful and interesting.
6. Everything – within reason- should be typed.
REMINDER: No more than 1 of the same genre, and 3 different genres must be
Project is typed
Project is colorful
Project is professional in appearance
Project is creative
All pieces relate to the thesis and make reference to the novel
Project is bound (no plastic covers with strips)
Project is free of mechanical errors
Scoring: I reserve the right to take off as much as five points for any missing item on the
checklist above.
Most important of all----Does this project demonstrate your ability to think about the
play and the messages it portrays? This is what it’s all about.
Date assigned: _______________
Due Date: __________________
Point Value: This project will count twice (200 points)
Objective: The student will demonstrate evidence of reflection on a theme found in the
play Romeo and Juliet (1) identifying a theme, and (2) writing about it in several formats.
Critical thinking, accompanied by creativity, professional appearance, and lack of
mechanical errors, will be assessed and graded.
Grading rubric:
Table of Contents
___ /5
Individual pages – includes creativity,
relation to the theme
(75 total)
Names on individual work
____/100 x 2