Research Poster Project 9 Academic English Ms. Berman

Research Poster Project
9 Academic English
Ms. Berman
Date assigned:
Date due:
Goal: Create a research poster that synthesizes information in a creative, visually appealing way. A
works cited page must be attached to the back of the poster. You must utilize three sources, two of
which must be books.
Point Total: 100
 50 points – research information on poster is accurate and presented in a well organized,
thoughtful style
 20 points – poster is creatively arranged; information is typed and formatted
 25 points – works cited page is correctly completed (MLA format) and attached to the back of the
 5 points – name is written legibly on the back of the poster.
Topics: Choose one of the following topics for your poster.
1. Setting – The characters in Of Mice and Men are fictional, but the setting and social elements
are quite realistic for the time period. Migrant workers during the Great Depression were
commonplace and John Steinbeck used this as his background for Of Mice and Men. Using the
library and the internet, research Salinas, California, the setting for Of Mice and Men. Your
research should cover the following topics for California, 1925-1935:
Area – location, population, bordering states, geographic description
Government – political system, succession of presidents, economic system
World facts – historical events, inventions, literature, significant names
2. John Steinbeck’s life - Research the life of John Steinbeck and arrange into a visual biography.
Explain why he is one of the best known and most widely read American authors of the 20th
century. Include on you poster significant facts about Steinbeck’s inspiration for Of Mice and
Men. You may create a timeline for important facts, but the timeline cannot be you entire
3. John Steinbeck’s contemporaries – Research the following otable people from Steinbeck’s time
Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933)
Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
Louis Armstrong (1901-1971)
Walt Disney (1902-1966)
Henry Ford (1863-1947)
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1941)
George Washington Carver (1864-1943)
John Steinbeck (1902 – 1968)
For each notable person, include the following information: birth place, field of study/interest, and
****** For this assignment you will not be allowed to use Wikipedia. Please remember to write down
your sources with the information you obtain. Information must be cited directly on the poster in
MLA format.